Gary has posted in a few threads, so a bit difficult to track down the photos. But if you search for his threads, look for those for his various trips crewing the B-24 with the Collings Foundation.
Thanks again
Terry, I found some videos of
Gary, very interesting and I could see several details; also other videos on the web from different
Witchcraft travelers, and some interesting shots in areas that may be detailed in my B-24. (I'm still looking for his pics)
Looking good Luis, I will see if I can add anything but looks to me your off to a good start
Paul, for your comments, and if you can find those pictures, together we can do a better work with your great contribution here.
"muy agradecido, muy agradecido, muy agradecido palls"
(I hope reciprocate your help !!)
The work of identifying the parts with reference to the instructions, it has taken me time (not want to make mistakes - and I had two with the bombs and its supports, with no mayor problems
-), ..and go sanding and preparing some pieces while I'm joining the whole.
Something very important I'm considering is not waste time detailing areas that hardly will be able to see
(the project got
Terry to open the roof to see everything inside, I find it a wonderful thing to enjoy =D>
... So many details of cables, boxes, oxygen tanks, levers, fire extinguishers ... and I want to do, but at least it will not be in this kit.
But yes, I will do my best on detailing as visibly possible !!
I'll show closed the right artilleryman window, to flaunt inside, as the decals and image of the outer side.
La ventana izquierda estará abierta
I do not have the time I would like to dedicate, for work, but with some sleepless hope I can be ready for the next national IPMS
Still outstanding at their comments and recommendations
Seguimos en contacto!!
Luis Carlos