Tech Sergeant
Hey guys, I was debating if I wanted to post this, and decided that I should. You all on here are great people, and I consider you all friends. This past weekend my little girl (LexiAnn Dakota Bower) became ill. She started running a 103 temp through sunday night and all day monday. Tuesday wasnt looking any better at the temp was still the same, and she got to where she wouldnt drink or eat anything. Wednesday saw us back at the doctors still with her not drinking or eating anything. They tried to give her a IV, but the nurse couldnt put it in the vein. She tried for 5 mintues just digging around but couldnt find the vein. She pulled the needle out, and wanted to do it again. Me and the Wify stopped her, and said that she was fine. So last night, she didnt eat anything, but we were forced to give her fluids with a syringe every 15 minutes. I woke up at 4 this morning, and got her to drink a whole glass of juice. She seems to be doing a little bit better, and another trip to the clinic they said she most likey had the flu. They took a X-Ray of her stomach, and alot of her pain is comming from gas. But we are walking a very thin line with dehydration, and we are still having to give her fluids with a syringe. We are not out of the woods yet, but hopefully we are on the right path. We go back tomorrow for a last update before the weekend, so hopefully she will be good and wont have to take her to the hospital.
I live here on Charleston AFB and all we have is a small clinic and no emergency room. So any emergency's we have to go off base to a actual hospital.
I live here on Charleston AFB and all we have is a small clinic and no emergency room. So any emergency's we have to go off base to a actual hospital.