Could use some prayers for my little girl....

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Great news there Beau, glad to here she is on the mend. Nothing worse then a sick child in my option.
Good to hear she is on the mend.
IMO, Nothing worse than a sick child, especially if its yours.
Thanks for the update.


Great, mine was born on Nov 11, 2007
That´s a good news she´s geting better!
Well, Sunday was a much better day. The morning time seemed about the same. We went out to the craft store and Toys R Us, and then it seemd she was doing alot better, yet tired. Well, after nap time, she was pretty much her old self. Me and the Wify were estatic.

I dont know what she had, but it made it to where she couldnt even walk, either just from being week or what, who knows. She still walks around like she is drunk, but other than that she is in great spirits. I will call the doctor today to make sure he doesnt need to see her, but other than that I think she is doing really good.

I want to thank all of you for your kind support. Its not often you get that from people you have never met. Thats what makes this forum the greatest. All the people on here. Thank you again, My wife thanks you, and I know my little girl thanks you.
That is good news! If she is up and about, then she is on the mend. Losing a lot of fluids from a high fever and stomach flu (?) will make a little kid weak as a kitten for a little while afterwards. Of course if her balance is way off, it might be good to have the doc take a look in her ears to rule out a opportunistic infection there with inner ear problems.......Sorry; I shouldn't be spouting of unsolicited advice. Too many years of being a parent and an RN make me too nosy sometimes.

Glad to hear she is feeling better. And a birthday coming up too!
Yeah, the doc looked everyday we were at the hospital and couldnt find anything wrong in her ears.

In the meantime, here is her halloween costume. This is my wife's idea actually. She is a WW2 pilot. Now I know it isnt exact, but it will do lol. She has a helmet that my wife made, and will have goggles, but isnt pictured in this. The scarf my wife also made. We got the patches off the internet. You cant see them here, but she also has 1st Lt. bars on her sholders. They are actual bars from WW2 that my great grandfater wore while in the navy. Hope you enjoy!
I have never read as many as 6 pages of a thread at a time here before.
I'm glad to know your pretty daughter gets fine.

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