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My little girl is 23 months old born on 6 November, 2007.
Today was a pretty good day, she is still very irritable, but she is drinking alot and eating a little more. She for teh most part is doing pretty good, so not much to update on. Will update tomorrow on how she is doing.
Good to hear she is on the mend.My little girl is 23 months old born on 6 November, 2007.
Today was a pretty good day, she is still very irritable, but she is drinking alot and eating a little more. She for teh most part is doing pretty good, so not much to update on. Will update tomorrow on how she is doing.
My little girl is 23 months old born on 6 November, 2007.
Today was a pretty good day, she is still very irritable, but she is drinking alot and eating a little more. She for teh most part is doing pretty good, so not much to update on. Will update tomorrow on how she is doing.