**** DONE: 1/32 A6M2 Model 21 Zero EIII-117 ‘Carrier ZUIHO’ - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Nice job with this kit Wayne, a lot of work to get it to where you're at.
Neat template and scribing Wayne and I love that tank vent pipe. If I tried something like that with metal pipe, I'm sure I'd end up with a kink in the bend. Any secrets in that scale.

There was a special ingredient.....Luck! expected a kink and got lucky.

Nice job with this kit Wayne, a lot of work to get it to where you're at.

More work than I expected, but like everyone else I just keep pluggin' away...

Appreciate your comments guys!
Neat template and scribing Wayne and I love that tank vent pipe. If I tried something like that with metal pipe, I'm sure I'd end up with a kink in the bend. Any secrets in that scale.

Just an observation. If you look real close, it is a bit flat at the turn. I think I have hear that tube can be bent filled with sand, capped at both ends of course. This qould, in theory, keep it from collapsing. But at this scale would be a bit difficult. I wonder if salt would work., but Not rock salt.... haha.

Nice work mate.
Cheers Bill...

Ok fixed that step on the lower cowl intakeand added the headrest and padding...


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Good stuff Wayne.
Vic, to bend micro-bore tube, insert a piece of wire of the required diameter, and bend in stages. Sand works on larger bores, from about 5mm up, but has to be packed tight enough to fill in the bend, but loose enough to allow the bend. Better with a proper pipe bender, or have a plumber or engineering shop do the bend for you.
Nice work Wayne.

Thanks also guts for the tips on pipe bending. My thought were to insert wire of the right thickness with just a little play particularly when playing with .5mm to .3mm id. On these dimentions I think sand would have to be almost dust.
tail wheel ready to go as is the tail hook...drop tank in place!


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