**** DONE: 1/48 B-25 - Aircraft Nose Art GB. (1 Viewer)

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Thanks, guys. Terry, thanks for the catch on the quilting. I did get the change as best as I could on the assembled compartment.
Good Evening, my fellow glue sniffers......
Well, I am just about ready to close the fuse on the B-25. I got the interior washed out some and final detailed painting on the lil bits. I hope to close her up tomorrow night. I am thinking about leaving the upper turret out at this point and dropping it in towards the end of the build. I will dbl check this idea tomorrow night before I begin to glue her up. I will admit that I am taking some liberties in these interior colors given the lack of documentation for VVS Lend-Lease B-25s. Lastly, EVERYONE keep reminding me to watch the nose gear from here on in. I wound up using 5 minute epoxy to get the white metal gear "glued" into place.

BTW, I really like the Vallejo washes. Very nice once they are cut way down. They brush on nice and seem to really get "stuck" in those lil corners to make things pop. And, yes, I snapped the left fuse pic before the wash had dried.

As always, comments and feedback (positive or negative) are appreciated.

Rgt fuse side:
Rgt Fuse Tilted.JPG
Rgt Fuse Upright.JPG

Left Side Fuse:
Lft Fuse Upright.JPG
Innards look great Dale. Can't help you with the build, I built Monograms version and as far as the clear parts go, I did have some success using a women's 6 sided nail file using only the 3 finest grits. Terry's (Airframes)advice would be the best way to go though.

Good stuff. I would think the interior colours would be as they left the factory - can't see any reason to change them. These are discussed in a couple of other B-25 builds, showing Bronze Green, with Interior Green fittings and the 'sage' green quilted material.
Don't forget to add plenty of weight up front, to keep the nose wheel on the deck!
That's looking really nice Dale. And I have to agree with Terry, although I haven't built this kit, I've built both the Monogram and the old Revell and they both took a lot of lead under the cockpit floor to keep the nose gear down. Might be a good idea to tape everything together and do a balance test to make sure.
Certainly is a nice bit of internal detail Dale, and Glenn's idea to weight and tape first has to be a winner.
lol @no chutes seen.... that cracks me up. Ok, a real quick post before I forget to add this note for those of you who will tackle the AM B-25 in the future. Be sure to dry fit the bomb bay assembly into the LEFT side BEFORE you glue the radio piece to the side of the left fuse. I had a devil of a time getting past some interference of the radios and the bomb bay bulkheads. So, DBL check that BEFORE you glue the radio into the fuse.

A further note re: the nose wgt. AM has included a set of brass "plates" to add to the nose to get her to sit on the nose gear properly. This additional wgt was the reason I went with the SAC white metal landing gear. I am not sure I will use the SAC parts for the main gear legs, most likely I will. My main concern is the issue of ensuring I have a solid glue joint. I am not sure I get get enough contact area with the SAC legs and the wing using epoxy. I will scan in the appropriate pages from the instructions and a pic of the plates at some point in the near future.

The fuse is closed and the glue has dried. I am in the middle of cleaning up the seams. A light dose of tamiya white putty (I sure like that better than the Squadron green stuff) and some patient sanding and I should have the fuse ready for the wings by tomorrow night. A quick dry fit check shows no serious issues with those joints.

Thanks for the kind comments and feedback to date, all. I do appreciate you all taking the time.

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