lol @no chutes seen.... that cracks me up. Ok, a real quick post before I forget to add this note for those of you who will tackle the AM B-25 in the future. Be sure to dry fit the bomb bay assembly into the LEFT side BEFORE you glue the radio piece to the side of the left fuse. I had a devil of a time getting past some interference of the radios and the bomb bay bulkheads. So, DBL check that BEFORE you glue the radio into the fuse.
A further note re: the nose wgt. AM has included a set of brass "plates" to add to the nose to get her to sit on the nose gear properly. This additional wgt was the reason I went with the SAC white metal landing gear. I am not sure I will use the SAC parts for the main gear legs, most likely I will. My main concern is the issue of ensuring I have a solid glue joint. I am not sure I get get enough contact area with the SAC legs and the wing using epoxy. I will scan in the appropriate pages from the instructions and a pic of the plates at some point in the near future.
The fuse is closed and the glue has dried. I am in the middle of cleaning up the seams. A light dose of tamiya white putty (I sure like that better than the Squadron green stuff) and some patient sanding and I should have the fuse ready for the wings by tomorrow night. A quick dry fit check shows no serious issues with those joints.
Thanks for the kind comments and feedback to date, all. I do appreciate you all taking the time.