Back at it after a great day of skiing yesterday. 20cm of fresh snow over an already near-record base. Best conditions I've seen in years.
Ok, off we go. To stick with the basic OOB concept (Obliteration Of Bits), I've now cranked the elevators and, in the spirit of leaving
something alone, I've left the rudder as is.
The wings have now been glued on and the fit was very good. Minimal filling is anticipated although there's a bit of shaping and filling to be done underneath where the wing meets the fuselage - nothing dramatic. As can be seen in the below pic, some filling with plastic card has been done at the LE slats and the gap where the flap has rotated away from the wing. These areas have been roughly cut at the moment and will be tidied up before taking some detail shots. Also seen is some filling started at the engine cowl.
Work has begun on fixing the LE slats. Seen below is one of them finished with the trailing edge filed and sanded to a sharp edge and the volume lost in the saw cut replace with a piece of card on the end shaped to resemble an airfoil.
Below pic shows where I drilled out the cannon barrels in the gondolas.
Next batch of pics will likely be sanding, scribing and finishing off the wing details. Thanks for your continued interest.