Hey, Guys,
Thanks for stopping by. Well, getting real close to done now. Landing gear is done. I need to find a better mix of paint for German rubber, I am not real pleased with what I have. It is NOT pure black. The camera does not really show the difference though. Anyone care to share their secret sauce? I did use the 0.3mm lead wire. Nice stuff, easy to work with if you are patient. The first picture is the gear:
Tail wheel is painted and on, landing gear is pressed into place for now. I did use the Tamiya weathering set for the exhaust staining. Thanks once again, Andy for the warning about left vs rgt. I think I got ok. I did try the airbrush on some sheet. I was just not real happy with the results and did not want to mess up at this stage. So, out came the Tamiya set.
I did use Wayne's method of panel line marking. Thanks for the tutorials, Wayne! I always refer to them. So, here is the belly with a tad of oil streaking around the oil cooler.
So, what's left?
* attach the lower radiator flaps
* various antenna
* Cockpit glass with the little bit of PE
* dbl check everything and
maybe one last coat of flat
* chip the prop up a bit along the leading edge
I think that is it. BTW, Andy, I did use the entire stencil set on this one. Hopefully, I can have her done mid to late next week. I think I will try to finish the Spit before the next GB.