**** DONE: 1/48 Brewster B-239 - Aircraft of the Aces GB.

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I know initially I said this build would remain dormant until early Nov but in the last couple of weeks I've been trying to fill spare time while waiting for the day Hil and I start our two month world trip. So I decided to make a start and what you see is the culmination of about 2 weeks plodding on in spurts of an hour or two here and there....

Resin detail added to the wheel bays.

A couple of dry fit pictures, it seemed to go together very nicely.

With the wings together the cockpit forward bulkheads and floor are added. I later changed the internal colour to a light grey having read that this was the common colour used by the Fins and these machines were refitted with metric instruments in Sweden before being taken onto squadron inventory.

Next up a series of pictures of the engine which though reasonably good was just crying for some attention.

So that's it folk until November. Hil and I are off on a world trip heading for Los Angeles on Friday.

Good stuff Karl.As always, lovely details you added there.

I wish you a safe trip and if your course takes you through Calgary, be sure to drop me a line.
Ok guy's IM BACK, so watch this space................

Got lots of travel pics to post as well, so I'll be in Vic's Pics very soon.

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