DONE: 1/48 Brewster Buffalo, Netherlands East Indies AAC - Java Island, Group Build

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Lieutenant General
Apr 10, 2009
South Carolina
Seeing all the incredible work you guys/guysettes have been doing, I've been bitten by the modeling bug once again in my life. Hopefully it's not too late to join the Group Build!

Category 2, 1/48th Tamiya Brewster Buffalo flown with the Netherlands East Indies Air Corp at Batavia Java Island Feb 1942. Spacifically aircraft# B-3110 of the 2-VLG-2.

Great to have you in the GB. I'm sure Dan or someone will soon 'sticky' this.
Nice pic Marcel, don't often get to see pics of Netherlands aircraft in WW2.
Thanks fellas, I appreciate that!

Marcel THANK YOU for the pic, I'd been looking for it and have not had any luck!

You really should get Dutch Profiles, Brewster Buffalo. It gives you all the info you need for your build. Unfortunately I don't have it myself, but I own several others from that series.
For the colors Oud Blad and Jong Blad:


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  • 1230568708_jongblad.jpg
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