**** DONE: 1/48 Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Commonwealth GB.

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Nice one Vic! My brother made that one years ago and it is HUGE!
I'd also like to get my hand on details of the land legs and fuselage fittings of the PBY-5. Can any of you guys come up trumps.
Look at this link to the "What Is It Game" thread. Terry posted one that turned out to be the wheel bay of a Catalina. Maybe he has more pictures too.


Somewhere I have some pic's I found on the internet of a Catalina in a museum somewhere that had the side cut out so you can see the interior. Couldn't find it just now when I looked for it, but will post them if I can locate them.
Thanks for the help guys, unfortunately I'm looking for the PBY-5 the Cat that don't have any wheels. The undercarriage was not fitted until the PBY-5A. My machine had to have dolly type wheels slotted onto the side and under the tail in order to drag it out of the water. Just like the pic below which is the best one I've found so far.

As for interior detail, I've got this sort of reference, not that I'm contemplating going to this extreme.

I found those Catalina pictures Vic. I posted the ones with beaching gear plus a few from that museum I mentioned above. I downloaded these from the internet a wile ago and do not know the sources. Hope some of them are helpful


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I found those Catalina pictures Vic. I posted the ones with beaching gear plus a few from that museum I mentioned above. I downloaded these from the internet a wile ago and do not know the sources. Hope some of them are helpful

Gee, thanks Glenn, they are just the ticket, gives me an idea as to how the panelling sits where the retractable under-cart would have been.

Squadron's Walk Around for the PBY was some great shots of them - I just cant find my (*#$ copy.

Thanks David, I've got the Squadron Walk Around for PBY-5A which unfortunately has nothing on the beaching dollies, but is good for a lot of other detail.

G'day Vic! On late, so no time to post pics yet sorry - try to get those to you tomorrow! Evan

Not a problem Even, I tied up with a couple of other fill in projects at the moment, so no hurry.
I found those Catalina pictures Vic. I posted the ones with beaching gear plus a few from that museum I mentioned above. I downloaded these from the internet a wile ago and do not know the sources. Hope some of them are helpful

Gee, thanks Glenn, they are just the ticket, gives me an idea as to how the panelling sits where the retractable under-cart would have been.

Squadron's Walk Around for the PBY was some great shots of them - I just cant find my (*#$ copy.

Thanks David, I've got the Squadron Walk Around for PBY-5A which unfortunately has nothing on the beaching dollies, but is good for a lot of other detail.

G'day Vic! On late, so no time to post pics yet sorry - try to get those to you tomorrow! Evan

Not a problem Even, I tied up with a couple of other fill in projects at the moment, so no hurry.
There were a load of Catalina pics posted on the forum about two years ago, by Jan I think, but I can't remember which thread. Somewhere, I've got an article on the Russian ones, with plans and some internal detail -- don't know if it'll be the same arrangement though.
Here's the best of what I've got re the beaching gear Vic, all but the last photographed from Squadron/Signal's 'PBY Catalina In Action', the last photocopied from another book - don't remember title.

Let me know if you want photocopies of the original pics, or any other details!


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A note on my pics - that's not all of them...kept getting 'internal server error' notices when trying to upload, then the server sh@t itself completely. Will get the rest up ASAP.
Getting in while I can guys, not only was the forum having problems, but we also have it locally and I also believe on Google. Still having problems here so striking while the iron is hot, so to speak.

Thanks Even, they are brilliant shots, just what I am looking for.

Thanks also Jan though as yet have not been able to access the thread, again system problems kicking in.

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