**** DONE: 1/48 Douglas A-20 Havoc - Winter War / Eastern War WWII

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I was able to spend a good deal of time today working away on the Havoc and very visible progress has been made Here is how she looked after today's efforts.





Progress continues.

First time trying the white overspray for winter camo.

Still a few bits left to do as well as waiting for canopy masks to arrive before painting the glass.

Another three hours put in this morning.




Landing gear is almost complete, just waiting for the nose gear to set before putting the tire in place.


Here is how she looked at the end of today.



Just a couple of more pieces to put into place, some final touchups and some dullcoat finish along with awaiting the canopy masks and then she will be done. The masks should arrive in the mail hopefully Friday or Monday. I am off to Thunder Over Michigan for three days starting at 04:30 on Friday morning and will not be home till Monday.

Cheers one and all.



  • IMG_0004.JPG
    288.3 KB · Views: 105
its an each way bet as to whether soviet aircraft would be carrying Soviet or Allied bombs, but my bet is that an American aircraft would carry American bombs

The US alone supplied 317,000 tons of bombs (thats just the explosive content of the warheads incidentally) that was equal to just over half of the total Soviet production of approximately 600,000 tons produced by home sources. The Soviets also acquired thousands of US jigs and dies from the US, including the equipment needed to make US pattern ordinance of nearly every kind including bombs. the US. Additionally the Allies supplied 103,000 tons of toluene, the primary ingredient of TNT. In addition to explosives and ammunition, 991 million miscellaneous shell and bomb casingswere also provided to speed up the manufacturing of ammunition.
My, my and yet another one almost done. Nice choice, nice build Jeff, hope you had a good weekend as well.

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