**** DONE: 1/48 Fairey Gannet AS.1 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Belated thanks Michael and Andy, really appreciated. Things have been rather busy these last few days with little time for RR let alone modelling, things to do and places to go, you'll all know the pack drill.

So just a little update for the interested. We (that's me) have finished putting the detail onto all four wing joints. At the moment there are a lot of loose ends that will need sorting once the bits are connected but that is a long way off yet.




Next up a pic of the beast so far. As you can see the wing stubs have been attached but still need a bit of work to get things right and the tail unit is intact though again not quite complete. One nasty discovery is that the tail has a very slight twist of about 0.5mm. Sad but it is going to have to stay like that because as I have said, this kit is built like a brick sh!t house with 2.5 to 3mm thick walls, so I ain't gonna try and sort it.

Man-o-man, I had to go all the way back to page 8 when I last checked in.
You doin goooood mate. You're at the fiddley end now.
Now I know what I'll have on my F9F-5P for the Jet GB!
Vic even though the short coming of the kit, this is a real eye catcher. You are doing really well with the wing fold and I have forgotten that this Fairey aircraft has the double wing fold!!! Someone should make a special Carrier Aircraft Badge for you with an attached Medal of Honor for going after the double fold!!!!
Thanks for the kind words one KoJo, I have my fingers crossed it is all going to come together without to much trouble. As for the troubles of the slight twist in the tail, I have to confess that this is not so. It was me not looking properly and when I put on the glasses early in the morning, while still fresh out of bed I realised that I………..yes me, had got it all wrong for I had made a botch of the main wing stubs which in turn put the tail stabilises out of kilter. I had fixed the main wing stubs in the wrong position and the port wing was much lower than it should have been and at a peculiar angle.

To rectify the problem it was a case of removing the wings and tail bits and starting again. Easier said than done as for the life of me I could not get the starboard wing to come off. Luckily after I had stopped fuming and cussing I saw that it was not going to be a problem as this wing stub was in fact looking okay.

Today I managed to get it all back together reasonably well but it has taken a load of scraping, filing, cussing, resiting seeing if it could fly and fixing in a couple of spacers and such. Tomorrow I'll have a go at cleaning up the bits of mess like glue finger prints and the odd scratch mark.
Step1, have coffee.
Step2, put glasses on straight.
Step3, then look at model!
(I have the same problem, and I don't even wear glasses,...yet!)

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