**** DONE: 1/48 Kittyhawk IV "Cleopatra III" - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Thanks George. I saw the e-mail before your post but didn't realize it was the caption you were pointing to. I'm not sure I agree with the statement that the aircraft had "foliage green or perhaps even dark green retouching over its original olive drab and neutral gray finish". The over-painted original US markings are clearly seen in the other pictures so perhaps this is what's meant be "retouched"? In my view, the aircraft was not completely repainted, at least when the photos were taken, otherwise the over-painted markings would not have been seen. "Retouching", which suggests just partial painting, can't be ruled out I guess but I see no evidence of the practice unless someone else can straighten me out.

As it stands now, and unless there's evidence to the contrary, I'll be finishing the upper surfaces in olive green with dark green splotches with foliage green over-painting of the US markings
So it looks like I'll do the splotches. The only question now on the colours used?

Andy, I agree with you on the camo scheme and colours for the kite. You are right methinks. As far as these dark green patches on edges are concerned.. these were painted with the ANA 612 Medium Green ( US Medium Green 42 ) FS34092. Unless these were refreshed then the K3/177 Foliage Green could have been used. It seems that the ANA 612 and the Foliage Green are of closely matching. However the one colour of the FS 34092 - FS 34096 range seems to be fine too. Also the FS 34079.
Today's progress consisted of finishing off the cockpit which entailed an unplanned diversion. Studies of P-40N cockpit pictures confirmed that the starboard pit wall supplied in the kit is bit of a work of fiction for this mark. Below is the painted pit wall. It is missing the oxygen regulator and receiver controls for the SCR-274 radio.

Fortunately, I found substitutes for both in the leftover parts of my P-47 that I just finished.

Having found the parts I needed, I then set about cutting the offending parts from the kit wall and modifying the box next to the cowl flap lever. After removing the parts I needed from the P-47 wall, I glued them into the spaces I prepared.

And here's the result after painting and adding wiring. Makes me feel better that I got it closer to reality though it's still not quite correct but close enough for me to button it up.

With the sides now done, I was able to glue the tub together and drop it into the fuselage through the bottom. Here's a pic looking into the starboard side after adding an oxygen hose made of fine wire spun around a length of solder.

And here's the port side with the finished instrument panel installed. I also had an extra Eduard PE fuel selector switch that I decided to throw in.

Before gluing the fuselage to the wings, a test fit revealed the need for a spacer to push out the fuselage walls at the front by about a millimeter. I did this with a length of sprue as shown below. I also need to do a further sanding and smoothing of the seams which are more easily accessed with he wings out of the way.

If all goes well, tomorrow will see the wings glued on. Thanks for looking in.
That's really looking the biz Andy, and some nice micro surgery with the parts grafting too !
What type of fine wire did you use to wrap around the solder - 5 Amp fuse wire perhaps?
I need to do this for a couple of things planned, although I don't know if my hands are up to it these days. Used to be a piece of p**s once upon a time!
Andy, I would llike to pay your attention to the location of the bottom stub aerial that is wrong in the profile below. It should be moved to the point in front of the wheel bay.


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