Thanks guys. A cutter machine would be a great gadget to have around, especially if you could do Kabuki tape also. I'd save a fortune on masks, and widen the possibilities.
Well another update to catch up.
Pic 1
The AML masks were great. While not especially designed for the Airfix kit, they were well cut and easy to apply. Saved heaps of time doing this fiddly work. And they covered and joined well, so no gaps or mismatched pattern. Recommended!
Pic 2
Sprayed the RAF Green. I was happy with the result, although there were a couple of areas of Dark Earth that need another going over, so I'll sort that and carry on.
Pic 3-5
The walk ways were next before unwrapping everything. The early marks of Spitfire (1-5, plus XII and early IX) had assymetric markings for the walkways due to the construction of the wings. It's a detail easily overlooked, but Airfix instructions were spot on, and painting them proved to be a simple task.
Pic 6-8
So, time to unwrap and see how everything turned out. I was well pleased, but there was a couple of small tidy ups here and there to attend to. Personally, I like the results of sprayed markings and wil try to do more in the future.
Thanks for stopping by, cheers