**** DONE: 1/72 CAC CA13 Boomerang - Aircraft Nose Art GB.

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Apr 6, 2008
Orange NSW
Name: Parsifal
Classification: Beginner
Project: Special hobby CAC Ca13 Boomerang 1/72Scale
Comments: I very nearly was not going to enter this build because I was having difficulty in finding a subject that i was both interested in and which fitted the build parameters. i think this kit fits the bill rather nicely.

There are four camo schemes to choose from

A46-199 "Home James" Nr 4 sqn RAAF, NG 7/44
A46-154 "Wanda Lust" Nr 83 sqn RAAF NT Aus 7/44
A46-193 "Struth" Nr 4 sqn RAAF, Labuan 9/44
A46-194 "Grim Reaper" Nr 4 sqn RAAF, Labuan 9/44

Havent made a final decision yet.

The thing that strikes me about the boomerang is its small size, as the attached comparison shot clearly shows.

Ive read this particular kit has an error of some description, but my first look doesnt revesl too much wrong with it.

Hopefully i can make a start this weekend.


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I attempted an LTD 1/48 version as my 3rd ever model....brutal. It's in a box somewhere in the basement. Looking forward to the build.

I don't think it was really that bad Glenn. It was just that it was my third model and LTD being a very limited run kit builder, it got the best of me. The vac-form clear parts sealed the deal. In all fairness though, LTD puts a warning on the box that these kits are for the experienced modeler.

Great choice Michael, and nice to see one of the lesser-known types in the GB. Looks like a neat little kit too, little being the operative word in this scale!
as an aside, ive been trying to get hold of the CMR model of the CAC CA15 Kangaroo prtotype for one of the future builds we are set to do. About as rare as rockin horse sh*t, but i may have tracked one down. as a rule i really like the CMR products, they do some intersting stuff on rare subjects and the overall detail and finish is pretty good IMO
Looks like a neat little kit too, little being the operative word in this scale!

You can say that again, only about 2/3 the length of a similar scale spit, and the wings are equally as tubby. Got about the same physique as me im sad to say....though the boomerang is just short and fat, Im short and fat, and ugly.....
I don't think it was really that bad Glenn. It was just that it was my third model and LTD being a very limited run kit builder, it got the best of me. The vac-form clear parts sealed the deal. In all fairness though, LTD puts a warning on the box that these kits are for the experienced modeler.

If I see one cheep I might pick it up than.
Is it like a He-162 in scale size? approximately? Any smaller than that and I'd be like :O O: :D :O
First steps

ive inspected the kit, and washed the parts. Ive decided to mount the model on a stand that i have lying around and spent some time cutting a hole in the underside and fitting the fuslege (temporarily) to the stand. ive made a good fit. so far it sits on the pedestal with not gluing or other fixing.

Ive put the IP together. Its a five piecefit, and i found the fitting difficult. im reasonably happy with the paint job ive done, but I will say i would still like it to be better than it is. I find IPs to be difficult at this scale. At normal vision, it looks pretty good, and it wont be possible to see much at all of it once the canopy is on, unless i make the canopy open, Im still considering that

I painted the pilot seat, and attached the harness (which i scrounged from my last build. ive messed it up a bit, but again, at normal magnification this isnt vey visible at all. its typically my standard im afraid, but the harness ive scrounged will make quite a difference to the interior. And it fits pretty well.......

Putting this cockpit together is going to be difficult. Typically adjusting the cockpit capsule to the body of the aircraft i find to be somewhat brutal. You have to cut and file the cockpit assembly to fit properly sometimes. in this case, the composite nature of the IP will make that difficult. its fairly flimsy. I will just have to go at it patiently. Not my best quality im afraid.


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