Benevolens Magister
Sounds good Michael. At a guess, I'd say a PTO aircraft would probably have the antenna wires - range involved might restrict use of VHF.
For future reference regarding 'empty' wheel wells, the 'standard', and easiest way to take care of them is to 'box them in'. In other words, make fore and aft bulkheads and, if necessary, a roof, from plastic card. This is an old kit, dating back to the 1960s originally, possibly slightly up-dated in the early 1980s, and the open bays was common with most manufacturers in those days - some kits didn't even have wheel bays, just etched outlines, and a hole in which to stick the gear leg!
For future reference regarding 'empty' wheel wells, the 'standard', and easiest way to take care of them is to 'box them in'. In other words, make fore and aft bulkheads and, if necessary, a roof, from plastic card. This is an old kit, dating back to the 1960s originally, possibly slightly up-dated in the early 1980s, and the open bays was common with most manufacturers in those days - some kits didn't even have wheel bays, just etched outlines, and a hole in which to stick the gear leg!