**** DONE: Bf 109 "white 12"

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Yikes! Got a bit confused there for a minute, with three different models in the pics !
I'm guessing the paint codes provided are for the colour scheme for the period, and kit decals - 1941. This would be correct, but remember you are building it as it would have looked in 1940, therefore it would be RLM 02 and RLM 71 on the upper surfaces, with the mottle most likely in RLM 02. You'd need to research the details to ascertain the latter, but JG26 mostly used the RLM02 for mottle at this period.
If you have a pic or profile I would appreciate it Wayne and what about the rudder?
I would never have guessed ! Thought maybe it was going to be a cross-breed, maybe a Messfire BfIXE ......
Terry or Wayne what about the kill markings,if the heart came over from red to black could that of happened with the markings?

Terry that boy Harrison is getting pretty sharp ;)
The heart was never black Kevin, always red. The kill markings (Abschuszeichen) were more than likely black, but I'd need to do some digging to confirm this.
Here are 2 more pictures..

The first would have been taken in France in September 1940 visible are 9 victories in the second row so there are at least 19 maybe more? ( Captioned as at Caffiers Mid Sept so most likely 20 victories)
I think at this time this aircraft had a high demarcation on the camo and either light mottling or maybe none at all, less likely in the Sept. period. The heavier mottle I think was done later.....?? and it probably was an E-4, White 12 was an E-7.
19 -11th Sept
20 - 14th Sept
21 - 17th Oct
22 - 25th Oct
23 - 14th Nov

The second shows the heavier mottle and the White 1 captioned as taken after arrival in Sicily in feb 1941.

Source :JG26 Luftwaffe Top Guns Donald Caldwell


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I think at this time this aircraft had a high demarcation on the camo and either light mottling or maybe none at all, less likely in the Sept. period. The heavier mottle I think was done later.....?? and it probably was an E-4, White 12 was an E-7.

Are saying Wayne that the light mottling in Sept 40 was probably not Likely? I sure hope so.:confused:
Pic 12: shows the preshading started this is RLM66 the one thing I would change is maybe use RLM02
for the yellow.I am suggesting RLM colors because that is what's out right now.

Pic 3,4 5: These show the mottling attempt the nose,canopy,slats,rudder and tailplanes are just stuck on there for the pic the cowls up front fit very well.I checked the fit of the tailplanes before this to make sure they fit perfect and they didnt not 100% so a very little knifing and scraping was involved.This was necessary since I wanted a good clean paint job and there were struts underneath.I chose to leave the cowls off so they will not get dirty from handling.

Wayne in that profile I have it appeared to be both 7102 which brings us back to is this a later bird??If so I have another in the stash :) I am so lucky.


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Jesus Kevin...you haven't wasted any time have you...:D

I probably didn't quite word it right...during the September period it was likely that the aircraft had a light mottle...it would have started out with the high demarcation without mottling then mottling would have been added at some stage, and the heavier mottle happening at a later period.
Unless the aircraft had a repaint it would be 71/02/65...on the other hand White 12, an E-7 would have been 74/75/76 in 1941.
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Just noticed where the pics came from Wayne. Haven't got those in my copy, although mine is a softback, sent from the USA by a friend about 14 years ago.
Looking very nice Kev... But with the spinner it is E-7 variant. Is the build for the BOB GB?

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