Thanks Lewis. When you come to do yours, make sure the little engine mount on the bottom, rear of the engine block is properly fitted and aligned (Part No. 15), and that the locating tab is trimmed and sanded smooth and even. Also, ensure the corresponding slot in the firewall / ammo tank front base is opened up properly (Part No. 53). Test fit the engine into this slot before the firewall is glued into the fuselage, as this is where the engine pack, with engine bearers, fits at the end of the build. It has to be slipped in at an angle and, I seem to remember the last time I built this kit, 20 odd years ago, that it's a real awkward bar steward to get into place. It's doubtful if the ends of each engine bearer lower locating point will actually attach to anything substantial, as the mounting is a bit vague, and difficult to align properly, as access is zero.
When I get to that part, I'll try to photograph it so that you'll see how to get it in. Even if the engine isn't going to be displayed, it must be aligned properly, otherwise the main cowling will not fit into place properly.
Anyway, I'm currently messing about with the layout of the cockpit parts. As the Hasegawa kit for the other GB build is fairly inaccurate in this area, and those parts which are correct are a bit poor, I want to see what I can scratch-build for this build, and what can be donated to the Hasegawa kit. I'm playing about with some thin anodised aluminium printing plates at the moment, seeing if it's possible to fabricate the perforated shield over the oxygen regulator. If so, then I'll make a regulator and associated valves and hose, and donate this part, and probably the throttle etc.
The instrument panel for this kit is also receiving some planning attention,and I should have some pics of the progress, if any, in a day or so.