OK, the lower nose joints have been filled and sanded where required, using 'Superglue', and the supercharger intake and stretched sprue hinge added. Some work has been done to improve the aileron surfaces, and work is underway fitting the radiator flaps.
Most reviews mention these radiator parts, and reviewers seem to think they can't be assembled in any of the open positions, just closed. Well, it's a very easy job to modify the parts to give an acceptable appearance in the fully or part open positions, as the following pics will show.
PIC 1. Nose joints filled and sanded, supercharger intake, and the stretched sprue 'hinge' on top of the main cowling - and yes, this has since been straightened !!
PIC 2. The ribs on the ailerons (and the rudder) are far too heavy, and these have been sanded back slightly. After priming, paint and clear coats, they should look more realistic.
PICS 3 and 4. The radiator shutter parts as provided, and note the ejector pins on the inner surface of the top shutter.
PIC 5. The parts loosely fitted as per the kit instructions, neither fully closed or part open.
PIC 6. The curved front of the extension on the upper shutter was removed at the curve, and the 'block' for the radiator on the lower shutter was slightly chamfered on the front edge. The ejector pins have been removed from the inner face of the upper shutter,, and the reinforcing ribs added to the lower shutter, using stretched sprue, with paper fillets on the outer edges. These areas will be painted RLM02, and the radiator front and rear in a dark metallic colour, before cementing in place at the desired angles.
PICS 7 and 8. Trial fit of the modified parts. I would prefer to fit these after painting the model, but as the angles need to be adjusted before cementing, I have to fit these next.
Once this bit is completed, it'll be time to add the wing tips and slats, and then give some attention to the tail planes.
Thanks again for looking, and I'll post more soon.