**** DONE: Bf109F-2/U 'Special' - Adolf Galland - Aircraft of the Aces GB

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Good work Wayne. Is that boundary layer duct on the flap part of the kit or did it result from your addition of card?

Part of the kit Andy, I added the strip to give it a bit of strength and support.....just in case!

Managed to get the Yellow recognition markings done....still acouple of things to do before more painting.......currently considering removing and repositioning the elevators on the horizontal stabilizers to match the photos, but it means more extra work.....decisions, decisions....


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Thanks Charles!

Today...added the small intake scoop, this was not fitted on the aircraft with the cowl machine guns, even though the instructions show it for both aircraft....and another note for those that may do this aircraft, the external stiffeners on the rear fuselage were not fitted to this cannon armed aircraft, again the instructions do show them on both aircraft.
Added the wing slats as well, these are displayed open because i removed the locating tabs on one and the shape of the slat did not sit right it is too narrow in the front profile, so again i grabbed a replacement from another kit and did them open.

last thing done was to add a short section of brass tube to the pitot tube position, this was filed and sanded flush so all i need to do now is slip in a brass tube and rod replacing the plastic pitot tube.


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Friggin' pain in the @ss...especially when the stabilizers were already attached!!

Anyway......2 hours later after some sawing, sanding, plasticard, filing and glue the elevators are slightly repositioned with a new downward angle....


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Thanks Terry!

Preparing more bits'n'pieces....


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