Ok, progress continues, the wings have a concave area within the wheel well area a carry over from using the same wing from the G-6 kit, small 'filler' shapes are suppose to be glued into these concave areas....the fit is not perfect but i went ahead and shaped them a bit to fit, pretty ordinary....i wacked some super glue around the edges and once dry started sanding and scrapping to blend the area, wasn't impressed....so tried a plan 'B' with a second set of wings. Put a large drop of super glue in the concave area of the 'new' wings and spread it carefully to fill the area, set the wings aside carefully so they sat just right for the glue to settle and set. Then repeated the procedure yesterday again with a bit less glue and again left them to set.
today i used my hobby knife with the rounded blade and carefully scrapped the surface smooth and blended them with the surrounding plastic, then some very careful light sanding and it looked pretty good! This process seemed to yield a better result with less fuss and effort than the plugs, which I will still have to deal with later.....on the next project. Will spray some RLM 02 over the areas Saturday and if ok will glue the wings together and move on!
Pic.1 the concave area Pic 2 the plug fitted on one wing. Pic 3. scrapping and sanding of the other wing plug. Pic 4 the alternate superglue fill scrapped and sanded. Pic.5 a dry fit of one wing....