**** DONE: Bf109F-2/U 'Special' - Adolf Galland - Aircraft of the Aces GB

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I'm with Terry. I was just musing over the video capture as well and it seems the darkened wheel well area looks bigger than I'd expect. I wonder if maybe they brought the chute through the nearby rib and then down through a notched wheel well opening?
I've stared at the images for ages...and yet I'm not sure one way or the other.....I've seen other blown up images of things where they can play tricks on the eyes from the distortion.....where things ARE what they appear and others that ARE NOT...I think with your photographic background you know exactly what I mean...Terry.
Think I will go with my logic....the alternate references have shown to be incorrect in any case...so I may just be closer to the truth!

Any way added some parts to the starboard cockpit wall and a lever to the port side, today.....


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There's a real satisfaction in knowing that, in the absence of clear evidence, one has cobbled together the best information available to produce as realistic a model as possible. Good stuff Wayne.
It's tuff to learn the lesson "less is more"! In the case of the cockpit outfitting. One must look closely when examining your cockpits. Seems when we look at our own all them fat fittings just don't look right. But when You finish, using mostly kit parts, nothing looks that out of place or scale. Hard lessons to learn matey. Fantastic lessons in your builds.
Thanks Glenn....

Ok calling the pit finished with the addition of the control stick so I can get this moving along....


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Thankyou gentlemen! the cockpit and instrument panel fitted to the starboard side fuselage...


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