****DONE: Bf109G-14 Yellow 1 Magg. Mario Bellagambi - Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

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okay Wayne thats some great work can I borrow some of your paint skills.

Sure ya can! :)

Thanks Guys.....ok, continuing with the premise of overpainting of markings, carefully did a light overspray on the upper wing crosses, being careful not to over do it, just to basically dull them down...added a new gloss coat over this area and later in the day added the Italian Fasces markings.
There were 2 choices of broken and solid square surround, decided on the broken version figuring Bellagambi had been flying this aircraft for a period before the solid marking came in to being.
I also figured that as a Squadriglia (Squadron) Commander it was a good possibility that he most likely would have had the ANR Fasces applied to his aircraft.


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Great job Wayne, no doubts at all!
Just one quick about the upper wing fasces.
I'm pretty sure that you know that but, just in case, the color wasn't black but a sort of very dark grey.
More or less like this:

Thanks Guys.

Well, I didn't know that Alberto about the colours, must have missed that in the reading process, I can fix that with some grey pastels after the flat coat this should tone it down and help.
Hi Wayne,
I got this info from Ferdinando D'Amico, as far as I know the best Italian expert on ANR and Regia Aeronautica.
For this reason I prefer to use masks and airbrush to make those fasces: better control on the color.
In your model, pastels will do the job.

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