DONE: F4U-1A of Lt. Bill Case of VMF-214, Group Build...

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Dan get the PM?I pulled the canopy today when I poked my head in the closet it was the Hobbycraft ,same kit but I started thinking birdcage and stuff,it wasn't.It looks like that was the canopy you were trying to create?Kevin
Fantastic work Dan. One tiny thing I spotted you might want to look at though, as it'll show up when painted. There's a small seam along the edge of the prop blades, up to and on to the hub. Just carefully back-scrape this with a scalpel blade to remove it. When you do the canopy, pack the inside with a roll or ball of tissue or cotton wool, to stop it flexing as you handle it. If you need to repair the one you've got, use clear canopy glue, or PVA, and place the the new frame, from tape, over the joint. The split appears to be in the same place, and if not, it's close enough not to be noticed. also, on the rear frame, glue a strip of thin plastic card around the inside, to act as a brace. This will be over the fuselage when seen, so won't be noticed. You can probably get a replacement from Trumpeter eventually.
For a realtive newcomer to modelling, you're skills have increased dramatically mate - bl**dy well done!!
Just take it slow and check everything before you fit it or attach it.....and the decals as I said, one at a time and be patient, if you rush it then you're looking for trouble....Terry should provide some good helpful tips!:D
Hmmm, my rivets sure stand out quite a bit.... Too much??

Dan - back in the day I considered rivet detail with regards to what I could see about 20-30 feet away from a real bird.

My last exercises were clear glue drop applications to 1/7 scale (RC) Scale (for button head like a B-17) or copper tube indents for flush (P-51).

1/7 must show a lot more than 1/48th or 1/32nd - my rule of thumb there was 5-10 feet stand off.

Conclusion - rivets on 1/48 and 1/32 are very subtle.

BTW - damn fine job.. I somehow failed to note that above and I did get into this late
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Progress shots for today....

Got the elevators glued in place, the wing decals on, theprops chipped and glossed, canopy sprayed alum and glossed ready for blue, gear detail completed with addition of control link arms, decals cut and ready for the attempt, antennas and latches squared away, ready for installation, the gunsight detailed and ready for plug in, and control arms ready for link up with ammo doors....


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