Done : Major Tratt's Me410A-1/U2/R4: Gruppe Build

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This crap lasts for about a month. Makes day work real interesting. Thanks guys.

I took some pics of the work on the wings so far. Will post later.
I've got some pics of my progress. I'm not as fast as some yungins on here but I make do.

I started work on the wings. First thing is since I'm attaching the rockets I had to drill out the holes, as per instructions. I finally got to use a drill tool I bought a few years ago and it worked fine.

But the radiators were another matter.

For some reason when everything was attached, nothing was flush. So I had to sand down the interior of the radiator until it fit. Then there were hinges to attach that are so small that I had to use my reading glasses and a magnfying glass just to attach. I love getting old.

Anyhow this is where I'm at in between headache attacks. Just plodding along. Hope to get more done as work sent me home for the week because the headaches have made me useless for the moment. Contary to what some believe about me, sometimes I am productive!


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Good work Chris. It looks a fair size too, never thought about it being as big in this scale. Hope the headches ease of soon, can't be nice putting up with that c**p.
Thanks guys. Dan, I know and I want to do it right. I'm not sure of the proper way to do paint. I've always just half-a$$ed it along but I see how you guys are using a gloss coat and Future and I don't know where in the process to do those things.
Chris, I think ur getting me confused with someone who knows what theyre doin here... I dont know sh!t man, I just follow the advice of the pros... Ive screwed up a bunch of times, and yet, the motivation of u guys makes me get past that crap and move on...

I still dont fully grasp all the small things this hobby entails... Im learning new things everyday, and screwing somethin up everyday as well...

But its fun as hell...

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