Done : Major Tratt's Me410A-1/U2/R4: Gruppe Build

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As for today, I dragged myself awake and messed around some more.

Alas, no pics for now.

I painted the interior of the 2 fuselage halves and highlighted the wiring and other small areas. I'm not at the point to Waynize it, so I just painted the existing molded wires. I also added some more color to the knobs and dials in the cockpits. Those pics that everyone provided showed me that it was kinda drab the way I had done it. Thank you all!

I then test fit the tubs in the fuselage. The instructions wanted to attached the 2 cockpit tubs before I attached them to the fuselage and that looked like it would invite trouble. So I kept them separated and worked on test fitting them. I was right. The rear tub has a few gaps that once set I can easiliy fill while the front is like trying to do a wheel alignment on a 4x4 truck with a screwdriver. The nose is actually composed of 4 pieces - the 2 fuselages and a nose piece with clear plastic (glass) and the tub underneath with the cannons. I decided to work my way up from the tail unit, slowly fitting, gluing and secureing with clamps. I stopped at the nose. Tommorrow or soon I will work on that as the 4 pieces will need carefull clamps, rubber bands and prayer to fit correctly.

One other thing: The rear cockpit tub has a gun site and canopy braces that the instructions say to attach after gluing the fuselage together. No way! Those fragile parts can wait until the painting is almost done and the clear canopy is to be set. I don't want to invite trouble and that was a gold card for breakage and the carpet monster. So for now the cockpit is half complete until final stages.

Will get pics of this stage of work hopefully tommorrow.

and I have finally decided on the final markings. With tremendous help from Erich and Terry it will be coded "Blau 1 + -(blue Gruppe bar)" with no numeral on the nose but a yellow clog shoe on the cowling. White aircraft numbers at base of tail. As best a representation of the actual machine the Tratt was KIA in as can be guessed at. Many thanks!
Some II/ZG26 crates to keep you inspired! *click*

P ~

those are not ZG 26 crates but belong to KG (J) 51....note the dual coloured reich band. I suppose those poor sods became cannon fodder for US fighters.

another thing if anyone has the squadron/signal soft back on the Me 410, the lower pic on page 41 should read A-1/U2/R4 not a B-1 as there were no B's in II./ZG 26 in 43 if indeed the date is correct in the caption.
P ~

those are not ZG 26 crates but belong to KG (J) 51....note the dual coloured reich band. I suppose those poor sods became cannon fodder for US fighters.

Ah, you spotted my deliberate mistake Erich? :D

That'll teach me to believe the caption and not actually look at the photograph! :oops:

Indeed, the Me410 closest is coded 9K + V of KG (J) 51.
In between coughs, headaches and call-outs at 2am for my job, I actually got to look at what I've done so far and ponder.

I have a 4 day weekend coming up starting tommorrow and will make some progress and post pics.


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