**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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one happy guy in Noray :) your the best :) thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks :)


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well.. i kinda like the fire sauce and the hot :) those two are the best ones :) and i just ate a good taco dinner here thanks to my friend here. :)
perfect saturday dinner :) and as we waite for more Ju 88 updates here will keep the thread alive with taco sauce and other things. hehe :)
just added ammo to the flak 38 on display along with the rest of the ammoclips..took me a while to get it all.. but now the flak 38 is as complete as it can get :) also mounted the sight..and the muzzle cover is also original

also have gotten all the accsesoriesboxes to the flak :) here is a few of them ( have more of them in different sizes and shapes..tools and spare parts boxses ).. and our flak 38 is quite rare as it has the flak 30 sight.. it should have the flak 38 sight but it is rigged fro the earlier flak 30 sight


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What are you guys up to here.....:lol::lol:

Be back on the '88 real soon....Guttorm did you send those extra wheel decals? I thought you had, but they have not arrived....
dident they arrive ?? darn..its ages ago since i send those.. ok..i send some new ones asap

will go to the postoffice tomorow

can you give me your address again so i dont need to search thru all my lails.. quite a few.. lol
and what we are up to.. god knows..hehe..


ok ..i will post the decals tomorow and also add another little item that you can use on your Ju 88 model display.... same to you Aaron..something comming your way shipped out tomorow.. :)
Nice Flak 38 Gutt ! by the way, with that taco sauce, I think you'd better keep the toilet roll in the 'fridge.........!!!
That's why you eat icecream afterwards Terry......(c--o--m--e-------o--n-----i--c--e--c--r--e--a--m):lol:


ok ..i will post the decals tomorow and also add another little item that you can use on your Ju 88 model display.... same to you Aaron..something comming your way shipped out tomorow.. :)

:thumbright: :cool:
i think the first decalset must have been lost in that tiny evelope..so i made it bigger and also affad a bice oart that will be the topping of the cake..when displaying your model. this you can use on the stand..you just hade to fill in the corret werknumber and stuff :)

and Aaron..you will get one schorched by a tacofart..hehe just kidding

and a small little hatc to put on display as well..for the kindness of shipping tacomix and sauce,, next time i will ask you something simpler..like a M-16-.--hahah..not
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