**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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GREAT work there pal

now dont forget the main dive angle that goes across the whole canopy.. this is the "prefeere" dive angle.. and very easy for the pilot to keep the plane ina dive..just put the horizon on the red line and one has the perfect dive angle. the small ones on the side window is for finetuning angles..and yes..one just looked at them and compared them with the horizon


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by the way..the small ones on the side does not show on these pics as i had not repainted them on yet when i took these pics this red line is pretty much original..i just repainted over it and followed the original lines that was present
when you look at the picture where blue sky is present you can see the darker original and the lighter newpainted ( the darker is just because its two layers ..)
The gloss settled well, all be it with a microscpic blemish....that is there but takes some seeing...

at some angles there is minor distortion as the gloss has settled 'around' the decal but it is pretty good, maybe another maskup and another coat of gloss will see it gone altogether...?

Now the dive angle red stripe has been bothering me....viewing a number of images it appears to be on the inside in most of the shots where it is clearly visible rather than on the outside....???

I can try to mask it and paint it on the outside, rather difficult to match the width....have an idea to put it on the inside with minimal risk to the canopy....will this bother you Guttorm if I run with this option?

First pic of my canopy
second pic showing red line inside a Ju88 canopy...


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Do you need me to send so stripe tape............hey, there is an idea. How about some red pen striping tape like they put on cars Wayne? You could split it down to the correct size and all. No mess either.
..or maybe a long red decal cut in a very thin line with a sharp x-acto.

Great looking job Wayne. I had trouble with the the dive angle decal on my Me-262 and the gloss coat I applied inside did not hide the dull area.
no problem painting it on the inside.. our first A5 that we salvaged had it on the inside, BUT on our A1 it was painted on the outside.I am pretty sure that they after some use started painting it on the inside so it dident wear of under flight

nice work there looking forward to see it all togheter

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