DONE: RNZAF F4U-1A Corsair NZ5255 ,Flt/Sgt R L.Bayly No.21 Sgn/4 Su Group Build

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Crap does indeed happen ,as usual its me again

I'm hoping Paul with a long break from them I can go back with alot more motivation - getting the right tone of blue/grey is hard ,help is at hand though
Warmer weather has arrived , did abit on the Corsair today /yesterday

Some of the gear doors have gone walk about , managed to find the missing door for the front well but I'm still missing one of the rear tailwheel doors - its missing without trace like NZ5517
So I stuffed the rear well with putty and am just gonna make a right botch of it -with some sander tomorrow once dried

Heres some pics , 1) of some practice airbrushing on a spare "1/48" Corsair 2) Although not very visible this is where a large crack appear ( wing root) - nearly took the whole wing off yesterday

Gonna spray it white tomorrow - question to Wayne ,whats the best airbrush nossle for spraying large areas? (you being a wiz with the Aztek and all) Thanks in advance


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Sweet! that'd be real good mate , in return I have some info on RNZAF Walrus/Catalina/Sunderland colours that Il send in a couple of days
hmmm well I tried that one! think the acrylic paint lived up to its reputation and dried on the tip pretty quick!

So I used the orange one today and sprayed a coat of white -worked well! will get another coat on in the next couple days

Pretty motivated to get this build done asap
How long have I got? Sprayed second coat white today and should have the lighter blue tomorrow ,next day dark sea blue on upper surfaces and decals the next day all going well

Maybe sooner ,got some real nice weather so could have both blues on tomorrow

That fast enough?
If I go by yours then I'm in for a chance - Will try to get some blue on later tonight

If not - sh!t happens
Your not wrong there mate

Got some good info on the blues just before ( Thanks Evan!) so will see what I can do tonight and will be back later with pics
Should get this done by tomorrow- all thanks to alcohol (thinners)

Couldn't stop painting - letting it dry overnight now

Thoughts/comments welcome


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