User name: Wayne Little
Name: Obvious
Category: Judge, non-competing.
Kit: Hasegawa F-4E
Scale: 1/48th.
Accessories: Eduard Etch Set at this stage…
Ok, I have decided to participate in this Group Build and further fill my plate….have been chipping away at this subject over the past few weeks…as time permits between other models so have made some progress preparing parts.
My Subject is an Israeli F-4E Phantom '222' of Squadron 107 "Knights of the Orange Tail" This aircraft participated in the Yom Kippur War during October 1973 and was the second most successful surviving 'Kurnass' with 5 Victories over Egyptian and Syrian Migs.
During the YKW the aircraft was coded '122' and immediately after the conflict ended was renumbered '222' at which time the 5 Kill markings were applied.
On the 20th January 1981 during dissimilar air combat training (DACT) Kurnass '222' collided with F-16A '222', both aircraft were lost, only the F-4E pilot ejected safely to survive the crash.
Images show her as 122 and 222
Ref: Israeli Phantoms The Kurnass in IDF/AF Service 1969 - 88
Name: Obvious
Category: Judge, non-competing.
Kit: Hasegawa F-4E
Scale: 1/48th.
Accessories: Eduard Etch Set at this stage…
Ok, I have decided to participate in this Group Build and further fill my plate….have been chipping away at this subject over the past few weeks…as time permits between other models so have made some progress preparing parts.
My Subject is an Israeli F-4E Phantom '222' of Squadron 107 "Knights of the Orange Tail" This aircraft participated in the Yom Kippur War during October 1973 and was the second most successful surviving 'Kurnass' with 5 Victories over Egyptian and Syrian Migs.
During the YKW the aircraft was coded '122' and immediately after the conflict ended was renumbered '222' at which time the 5 Kill markings were applied.
On the 20th January 1981 during dissimilar air combat training (DACT) Kurnass '222' collided with F-16A '222', both aircraft were lost, only the F-4E pilot ejected safely to survive the crash.
Images show her as 122 and 222
Ref: Israeli Phantoms The Kurnass in IDF/AF Service 1969 - 88