Fw 190D-9 "Red1" of JV44 Lt. Heino Sachsenberg....

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I think you are on the monies Les, don't want to spoil the fun as I see Jerry this August for a few days talking about some special projects

as for his second volume; on the 44 kids there will be more added materials
why bud ?

I think you'll find you're almost there with Röte 1, the new stuff should cover the "new" Fw 190D found but more pics hopefully of the other crates.

E ~ 8)
so what they have done now is included a new re-done version for the monster second volume on the Dora variants which will go beyond the Dora 9, plus some other Dora 9 pics that were not included in the first volume that I own. I can only imagine the response from the modellers once they have both volumes in their hot little hands .......... plastic is going to sell quite well .......

Got the plastic!...just waiting patiently for the info...:)

Erich are you teasing us again....:D
Currently, we are ready to start masking off the underside and prepare to spray the bottom 3/4's of the fuselage with RLM 76...

Since Im off today, Ill probably get some if not all of the taping off done, and might possibly get the 76 through the airbrush....

I'll take some pics if it worth it....

Oh, and BTW, the problem I had with the white paint and the grainy surface, I think the problem was that I let the paint run down in my spray jar before refilling with more paint....

That would cause the problem, wouldnt it??
Dan low paint is possible but if it is mixed correctly as you previously mentioned, paint would simply stop.
I still think it is more likely distance, coupled with possibly pressure...maybe?
Well, the reason I say this is that when I was doing the red, everything was fine... I used the same ration paint to thinner as the white, held at the same distance as the white, with the same pressure....

When the first jar of red was almost out, I noticed it kind of not so much sputtered as it started and stopped, started and stopped kinda....

It did leave these grains where it faultered...
I havent varied my pressure since I found the perfect number; 22 psi...
Well then maybe that last bit is starting to dry-out as it is passing through and out of the airbrush and hitting the model dry...last of the thinner is basically evaporating away...before reaching the model.
This siggy is the best one I've ever had, and I thoughoughly believe its the best siggy on the site...

Wurger has gone far beyond anything else he's ever done with this tribute to my Grandfather, and I cant thank him enough for finally getting me a signature that I can be proud of displaying....

And for the record, I HATE THE FU*KING LEARNING CURVE!!!!
well both your siggys are special ones really. I'll wait till I get back from places east before I send something off to the man for his contribution again. I've got a very interesting one in mind.

Dan what are you using for RLM colour comparisons for your model ? ........ box top art or any JV 44 book(s).... etc.

E ~
Apart from Erich's interesting question, :oops: reading your words guys I have gotten some inches more :oops:Thank you.:D
But back to your problem with the white paint Les, I met the same problem some years ago.The grainy surface was caused not by thinner evaporing but by refilling of the colour and almost dry but still wet ,the previous layer of white paint.Also it is enough that the white colour was diluted with a little different amount of the thinner and the effect appears.
Interesting Wurger.....

As far as my colors go Erich, Im using several different sources, from a couple of models previously built by Wauchop and Cleaver (well researched) to several photos of Sachsenbergs kite to the directions from the kit...

The 5 basic colors for the JV44 bird are cut and dry so no real discrepancies there....

If anyone would like to scan/post some pics PLEASE feel free to do so here....
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