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Instead of another post I'll run this up the flag pole here, BS329 Flown by SqLdr Bernard Duperier, CO of No. 340 Squadron Biggin Hill Autumn 1942.


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So guys, rather than simply ask the judges if something qualifies, how about doing a bit of digging yourself and making your case? If it's not obvious to you, then do some research and TELL US why you think your proposed selection fits the DEFENSE OF BRITAIN description. By simply showing us a picture and asking us of it qualifies, you are now asking others to do the research for you. We judges are busy enough thank-you very much!
Decisions !
As the Spit Mk.V seems to be progressing fairly quickly (famous last words !), and there's still three months left for this GB, I'm considering another entry, maybe even another two entries, in an effort to reduce my stash (to make room for more stash probably !), and continue getting 'back into the swing of things', mainly with more or less 'OOB' builds.
Bearing in mind the theme of the GB, possible candidates from the stash include :-

Spitfire MkI or MkII, Revell 1/32nd scale (with resin correction parts, spares box parts and scratch-building).
Hurricane MkI, Revell 1/32nd scale (with a lot of extras and extra work - so maybe not a suitable choice).
Spitfire Mk 1, 1/48th scale,Tamiya (also for my BoB 'Hardest Days' Collection).
Hurricane Mk1, 1/48th old Airfix (for my 56 Sqn collection).
Hurricane MkIIc, 1/48th scale Hasegawa.
Typhoon MkIb (car door), 1/48th scale Hasegawa (for 56 Sqn Collection).
Spitfire MkXIV (anti-'Diver'), 1/48th scale, Hobbycraft.
Bf109E belly landed, 1/32nd scale, Hasegawa (also needs a lot of correction work, but some, along with reproduction of documented battle damage, already started).

So, to help me decide, let's have some thoughts on preferences, bearing in mind the variety of type in the GB so far.
Wow, Geo. You look just like Buzz Beurling!

Terry, my suggestions in order of preference:

1. Spitfire XIV. Don't see enough of these, and you know my position on why the f! we see endless retools of Spitfires and STILL no XIV! Would like to see how this one looks, given that it's currently the only option out there in 1/48.

2. The downed 109. How appropriate!

3. None of the others - well covered already by others in the GB.
Thanks Geo and Andy.
I had considered one of the Hurricanes or Spits in 1/48th scale, which, as Geo stated, would also cover my BoB collection, and / or 56 Sqn collection requirements, but you're right Andy, there are enough Spits and Hurricanes already !
The Typhoon would be a very early example, employed to counter the 'Baedeker' raids on south-coast towns by the FW 190, and would also complete another of the 56 Sqn Collection.
But I do actually fancy doing the Spitfire MkXIV, which isn't that bad a kit overall - if the typically Hobbycraft canopy is replaced - although I'm sightly dubious about the shape of the fin, having used this kit to make a PR.19 years ago. But at least it looks like a MkXIV, and has a better profile than the Academy kit. It would also have the AEAF stripes on the underside of the fuselage, even though the subject would be from ADGB, used to combat the 'V-1' threat.
I'm also quite keen to continue with the Bf109E, although would need quite a bit of surgeryk to correct the cockpit geometry, as the way over-priced Hasegawa kit is quite old, having it's origins in the Frog kit from the late 1960's, and the rest of it, particularly the underside, is why I decided to do it as a belly-landed example!
However, I'm slightly uneasy about doing this one at the moment, as the subject is the aircraft belly-landed by Paul Temme, of JG2, on the fringe of Shoreham airfield !
Let's see what other suggestions pop up, if any.
Terry, my thoughts naturally go to your 56 Sqn collection, i.e. the Hurricane Mk I or the Typhoon Mk Ib. Maybe the Hurricane, they had Mk I until early 1941. Do it as a tribute to The Battle of Barking Creek on 6th September 1939. I also like the thought of the Bf 109E and figure that would surly take up the remaining three months.
Thanks Vic - at the moment, it's a 'toss up' between the '109, Spit XIV and the Typhoon I think.
The longest job on the Bf109, after more or less totally re-designing the cockpit rear section, would be the construction of the display base, to replicate the scrub across the rail tracks from Shoreham airfield - most of the 'battle damage' has already been prepared before any construction begins, based on the series of photos of this aircraft.
OK, the '109 is shelved.
With a bit of luck, given they'll be more or less OOB, I might be able to do both the Spitfire MkXIV (41 Sqn) and the Typhoon (56 Sqn).
The Spitfire kit isn't too bad, although there's a panel line running through the battery access hatch (!) which will need filling, and some corrections around the rear cockpit glazing, and cockpit front end, the latter to accept a better canopy from the spares box, plus some general 'tarting up'
The Typhoon of course, being Hasegawa, should be straight out of the box, except for seat harness and decals, and the usual brake lines etc.
Still looking at this, but travelling back to the old country on Monday next week for a well needed holiday....see what happens after..

Anyhoo, another contender....

Avro Lancaster Mk. I, R5493

No. 44 Squadron KM-M

Flew one gardening mission the 24/25th of March '42.
Reported as missing with the crew of;

F/Sgt. L. Warren-Smith,
Sgt R. A. Marston,
Sgt. C. E. W. Clifford,
Sgt. A. F. Murdoch,
Sgt. E. B. Cluff,
Sgt. J. Boyd,
Sgt. W. H. Flower,
F/Sgt. J. McN. Davidson,

She was the very first Lancaster lost on operations...
Hmm. Still doubtful if that fits the 'Defence' theme old chap.
'Gardening' ops mainly involved the laying of the mines in enemy waters, so although it perhaps wasn't overtly offensive, as a bombing Op over Germany would be, it was certainly attacking, or obstructing the movements of enemy maritime operations, indirectly.
Hmm. Still doubtful if that fits the 'Defence' theme old chap.
'Gardening' ops mainly involved the laying of the mines in enemy waters, so although it perhaps wasn't overtly offensive, as a bombing Op over Germany would be, it was certainly attacking, or obstructing the movements of enemy maritime operations, indirectly.

That's what I was thinking as well old boy, defence or offence....mining to keep their ships in harbour and not interfere with ones own shipping etc., unless the mining was close at home, need to find that blasted map again, with all the minefields and their codenames....b*ll*cks! :lol:
Nice ones guys.

Terry - go the Tiffie I reckon! Considering doing a Tiffie or Tempest myself, 486 (NZ) sqn of course...

First subject will be a Mosquito NF.Mk.XIII though, of 488 (NZ) Sqn.
Hmmm, looks intersting.
The only problem is that I don't have a lot of subjects for this.
I have an unstarted Tamiya Fw 190 A3 and a few started kits (that I bought at various swap meets)
these being a few Eduard Tempest's and a Classic Airframes Blenheim Mk. IV (wich only has it wings glued, nothing else)
Not sure if the started kits are allowed for a group build...
Yes, if a kit is only just started, then it should be OK. Let's see what the other judges say, but we did agree some time ago that this was allowable, if checked and approved by the majority of the judges.
Please bear in mind the main theme of the GB - 'Defence' - when choosing a subject though.
A Tempest engaged in anti-'Diver' Ops would be fine, for example, whereas a Blenheim Mk.IV on bombing Ops would be offensive, so probably wouldn't qualify.

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