Geedee's P-51D Cockpit Project

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Decided to spend the day out in the shed / garden working on the '51 as it was a glorious day.....errrrrr, the weathermen got it wrong again !.

However, once I got in the groove, things started to get done.

First off was cut and trial fit of what I call the bonnet / hood. Its a small panel infront of the windshield assembly. This went reasonalby well, but I need to do some fine fettling before its ready for paint. Oh, I also need a slack handfull of twist 'n'lock fasteners as well.

After a while, i then removed the stick grip I've been using and modified the support to take the correct style grip (recently aquired from e-bay). Nice to sit in the 'pit and grip a 'puikka' 'Stang grip.

Then I decided to start on making covers for what I call the shoulders. Made a complete set for one side but may remake them as I'm not that happy with the overall finish. Problem I have is that the longerons arent original and its gonna be a b*ggers muddle to figure out the order of rremoval / refit to enable access the inside of the longerons to enable the rivetting to take place.

It goes something like...
Remove bonnet
Remove intermediate bulkhead
Remove instrument panel
Remove upper and lower instrument panel surrounds
Remove seat
Remove (de-rivet) primered shoulders
Remove longeron internal covers
Fit external shoulder skins and rivet lower two rivet runs.
Refit in reverse order !.

Ay least I don't have to disconnect the battery....just yet !:)

Then it was pack it all away time....and yes, I did have another sit in and dream !


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The new parts look great Gary! With the "shoulders" in place it really looks like a Mustang. I really need to get back to work on mine! I'm very jealous of the stick grip you got your hands on. I still don't know if I'll splurge and buy one (if I can find one in good enough shape that I'm happy with it with out taking out a second mortgage) or try carving one out of wood. What's the diameter of the end of the control column that fits into the grip? I might have to make a new column.
Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated !.

No work on it this weekend, but got something planned I'll tell you about Monday if all goes well :!:
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Hey Gary...

First off, that's awesome work buddy, really impressed.

I was sent here by Henk at SimHQ after posting that I wanted to build a P51 cockpit. Wow, I gotta say you have taken all my ideas for replicating a cockpit and taken them right off the scale!

Mine is destined to be a SimPit and will be my 'office' within flight simulator games.

Thanks for posting all this amazing information, inspiration and fear!

Outstanding, simply outstanding.

I love tinkering with motorbikes but 1:1 scale planes major parts?
Wow, talk about in a different league!

Really great documentation with the pics too, an interesting tale very well told.
Looking forward to the next installment (once the snows clear the holiday is gotten over, huh?)


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