Group builds.....

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Nice info Catch, great stuff. BTW, you are not allowed to do a Corsair in Luftwaffe markings for the Group Build!!! Happy Crimbo mate!
Post some Dan, I've got some schemes for late model G6's (looks same as a G14) and 'normal' G6's, as well as FW190's. I'm off to Chrissy dinner now, will be back tonight, possibly sober enough to look at the boards!
OK, here we go....


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Had a quick look Dan. That one at Neuruppin I've got a better profile for; it's the one that probably had a Reichs Defence band for Bodenplatte. Also, between your stuff and mine, I think I can come up with a JG300 bird.
Problem is, the final score, Terry versus dinner and drinks, is:- Terry 1 - Dinner etc 6 !
I gotta lie down! Will look later or tomorrow morning (Friday), and let you know. Hic!
I'm not as thunk as you drink I am!
I'm not too familiar with Luftwaffe details, like some of the experts here, I'm wondering would my 190A qualify, its an Airfix 1/24. It has similar markings to the bird in Wurgers sig pic, there's black eagle decals for the engine cowling, was it defending the reich post 1943? I can't check the kit now, I'm at my parents place for xmas.
This information is what I can remember sitting in my bed at 3 am from the Eagle Editions decal sheet I have.

They originally thought it was Black 12, but it has been changed to Blue 12 as the numbers compared to the crosses on the plane, are lighter. Not by much, but they are. It appears as though the numbers are still darker than the standard RLM Blue, so it is thought that it was originally a Black 12, but the black was painted over with the blue, thus making it darker.

Thanks mate! I'll just overpaint my decals then with a dark blue.
Cheers for the info! :D
Found good numerals for Luftwaffe kites in these....just need to make sure that they're useful for Heinrich Bartels Bf 109G-10(K-4?), in which was shot down and killed in the 23rd of December '44 and found in '68 with his remains still inside.


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G'day Wayne!

Mate, if you can, give me the works! I want her to look the part, atleast as much as my ability allows. ..And 'BLUE' 12? So she's not 'black 12' as mine and other decals I've seen would suggest ?

I'd love too the updated info you mentioned on Fw 190D-11 Chevron 61 ( ) if you have the time.

Thanks mate!


Ok Evan will get some stuff off over the next couple of days.....scratch W.Nr.350158 it is 220014!
Right Dan, I'm back, and fully compus mentus!
Here's some more profiles for G14's, K4's and late G6's; the latter look the same externally as the G14.
PICTURE 1: This is the JG77 one you have decals for, but a better profile. This machine apparently later became 'White 13', with the green and white RD bands. It is thought to have been shot down during Bodenplatte, when flown by Lt. Herbert Abendroth. (Image from 'Battle over the Reich, Dr. A. Price.)
PICTURE 2: Two late model G6's from JG300. You'll recognise 'Yellow 13' as the one I did from the 21st Century 1/32nd kit. The other is an ex-JG54 machine. If you alter the canopy on your kit, you could do this; I've got a small 'White 2', but you'd need the black 18. Or, cross kit with a G6, standard canopy and fin, and you could get another kite, shown in next pic.
PICTURE 3: An unusual G6 with 'Erla' canopy, from III/JG300. It's BARE METAL overall, where the paint was sanded off!
PICTURE 4: Upper surfaces and lower wing tips of 'Red 8'.
All previous three are from Eagle Cals decal sheet EC#88.
PICTURE 5: G14's from JG4, JG5 and KG(J)55. I've got a 'White 1, and a 'Black 4'; the latter if you wanted a representative A/C of JG5.
PICTURE 6; Another, rather ropey profile, of JG5, Norway 1945.
PICTURE 7: A G14 of JG2. I've got a 'Black 8', but not quite the right shape.
PICTURE 8 A rather poor B&W profile of a K4, believed to be from JG27 in April, 1945. I've got the colour details for this.
So, with your decals, a mix of yours and mine, or maybe some that Jan showed, you could find something.
I've also got some black 'Winkels' (see the decals I posted earlier.) I'm afraid the rest I have are 1/32nd, or have discoloured/cracked with age!
I've got a B&W pic of a JG27 G6 (normal canopy and fin) with black winkels, GruppenKommandeur A/C if that's any use, and I can 'make up' the winkels.
Over to you for choice time!!


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Thanks Jan. I've been trying to 'draw' a couple for Daniel, but my f*****g 'mouse' keeps flying all over the screen - time to get a graphics tablet!
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