H.S. Buccaneer S2B, 12 Sqn., RAF, Lossiemouth, Scotland, 1985, Group Build.

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:shock: Looks like you've got your work cut out for you Terry!
For some time now I've had the philosophy that no matter how bad fitting a model is, with enough time, thick superglue, puddy and shaping with needle files (or for that matter the full sized ones) any model could be made to look good. Kind of like sculpting with file and sandpaper. But if you can't even get the glue to stick to the plastic!!! What is it made out of, that stuff they make superglue bottles out of? I think I would have given up long ago. My hat's off to you for sticking to it :salute: Who knows, Maybe a trip to the pub might help. It sure couldn't hurt. :lol:
Thanks Jan and Glenn. I'm thinking of sending a sample of the kit parts to NASA, to see if they can analyse it and identify its origins. If not from some as yet undiscovered universe, it might prove useful as a heat shield or something similar, for whatever replaces the Shuttle!!
Certainly doesn't look like fun Terry!:shock:
Trip to the pub eh? I suggest staying in with a bottle of JD and a litre of cola,works for me..:lol:
Keep plugging away mate.
What an absolute abortion, maybe you'd have been better using a welding kit. You've done well to be still persevering with it, a lot od us would have binned it by now.

Check out the Airfix Tornado kit Terry, if it's the same material as the Buccaneer then i can fully understand your predicament as I had a devils own job getting the parts to connect and then the whole seam sealed with filler.

:hotsun: :hotsun:
All is well, seeing as how your sense of humour remains intact. If you do go over the edge, do what I did as a kit. Drill a hole in one wingtip, tie a string through it, set the model on fire and swing it around your head. For added fun, take a picture of it while you're spinning and post it.
This is the first time for many years that I've been really p*ssed off with a kit! Having checked the Tornado (like Vic's), I thought that was bad, but this is ten times worse!!
IF I can get the other parts to stick together, I'll persevere, and if all else fails, I can at least make it into a scrap yard scene!!
Still wouldn't have enough room, as the Hippocroccofrogs around here are huge, and get in the way. I could drive the three miles to the forest of course, but then those big wooden things would get in the way........
With fingers (mentally) crossed as I type, I think I might be on the way to saving this !
Some initial heavy filing, using a coarse file then fine, followed by sanding and polishing, seems to be getting the lumps, bumps and gaps into shape.
The pics tell the story, with before and after shots of the work to date - all three hours solid of it!!
PICS 1 and 2. The port side of the nose after removing the tape. And after the work has been done. The dark line of the joint is actually smooth and filled with the superglue used to try to make the initial bond.
PICS 3 and 4. Same result on port rear fuselage. Only a tiny bit of varnish/talc 'porridge' will be required here.
PICS 5 and 6. Starboard nose, the worst area affected, with a heavy 'step' and a gap along the joints. A small amount of filler is needed in the engine nacelle.
PICS 7 and 8. Starboard rear, a real mess where the various glues and cements flowed all over the place. The joint line is filled with these and smooth. A small amount of filler will be needed along the joints of both jet-pipe fillets.
After a little more fine sanding and polishing, the lost panel lines will be re-scribed, and then it's time to find out if the rest of the major parts will stick together, or decide to repel all attempts at bonding.
Time will tell!


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I gotta give you credit Terri. By now I would have flung the thing against the wall, the floor, melted it down (If possible taking into consideration the alien polymers used to build the damn thing) and used it as a hockey puck. Not necessarily all in that order. :twisted:

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