With fingers (mentally) crossed as I type, I think I might be on the way to saving this !
Some initial heavy filing, using a coarse file then fine, followed by sanding and polishing, seems to be getting the lumps, bumps and gaps into shape.
The pics tell the story, with before and after shots of the work to date - all three hours solid of it!!
PICS 1 and 2. The port side of the nose after removing the tape. And after the work has been done. The dark line of the joint is actually smooth and filled with the superglue used to try to make the initial bond.
PICS 3 and 4. Same result on port rear fuselage. Only a tiny bit of varnish/talc 'porridge' will be required here.
PICS 5 and 6. Starboard nose, the worst area affected, with a heavy 'step' and a gap along the joints. A small amount of filler is needed in the engine nacelle.
PICS 7 and 8. Starboard rear, a real mess where the various glues and cements flowed all over the place. The joint line is filled with these and smooth. A small amount of filler will be needed along the joints of both jet-pipe fillets.
After a little more fine sanding and polishing, the lost panel lines will be re-scribed, and then it's time to find out if the rest of the major parts will stick together, or decide to repel all attempts at bonding.
Time will tell!