He Who Must Not Be Named is still pissing on this forum...

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Master Sergeant

I Googled ww2aircraft.net and guess what came out...

Aviation Forum - Avoid ww2aircraft.net

Quote from his post...

All I can say is this, you will never please everyone and frankly he hasnt learned anything either. He just drew attention to himself on a new forum that he could be trouble for them. Better to stay low and make a reputation for yourself then to brag or whine that you got kicked off a message board.
Good riddance, I say, I'm just annoyed that he can P!ss on this site and we have no right of reply....or do we?

Personally Im going to ignore it. Last thing I want to see is a war between message boards on some idiot that got banned and stick to what I love best besides my family and thats aircraft.
Well, I know that as far as membership goes, I'm pretty much a FNG, but I've frequented this site as a guest for years...

I can't think of any time I ever saw a mod do anything undeserved.

This site has one of the best all around groups of folks I've seen and they seem to have little room for BS, and that may the issue that "some people" have a problem with.

Not sure what 2 cents is worth these days with inflation and all, but there ya' have it...
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