Hobbycraft Dornier Do-17Z 5K+EA BoB GB

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Took an hour and a half to get this one out...really went well, and I'm happy with it...the front of it need some tidying up though...will start masking this one.


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Good work there H.
Make sure you keep test-fitting, and it might be easier to fit the canopy once it's masked, then paint it. Very small spots of superglue should hold it in place, then run a bead of PVA or Micro Kristal Klear around the joint, as with the Mustang clear parts, doing it the same way, repeating the PVA if required. Let the canopy set for a good 2 or 3 hours at least, then do the painting.
Yes H. Paint it after it's attached, and that way you can cover the joint (and the PVA), and avoid damaging any of the paint on the canopy frames with glue. You may have to retouch around the edges of the cockpit fuselage, if any superglue stains this area, so doing it this way will help with that too.
Nearly forgot to add - it's probably easier and safer to do the painting with a brush.
Need some touch ups, I'll use micromask but I used some of the masks to aid me thats why there are different colors...

took about 1.5 hours


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Looking good Harrison. Just take your time with it. The Do17 canopy set is pretty big so it will take some time. After this one putting a vac canopy on a 109 of something similar will be a breeze!
Looks good H. With your Vallejo air paint I usually retain a drop of the mix I have made up in an old pill foil, sealing with tape. The spray dries quick but if you need a touch up within a couple of hours, you should be able to use the reserved paint. If it's gone tacky just add a drop of 'Matt Medium', this will help to give a smoother application.
Looking very good there H. If you have doubts about the brush painting, then try giving it more than one or two coats, letting each one dry first. This should build up the density. Either that or mask the area around the cockpit and spray the canopy.
Looking good H. One thing which might help in fitting the canopy to the fuselage, is to add a thin 'frame' along the bottom edge, made from painted masking tape. This might give a slightly thicker area to glue to. Of course, it depends on whether you can get the width of the 'frame' narrow enough to stick, without looking out of place.

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