If you remember our forum member Meatloaf...

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
To all of you who may remember Meatloaf aka (Paul), I have over the years kept in touch with him.
It has been a few years since he has contributed to the forum, He's just been busy doing other things.
A couple of days ago he gave me some bad news, to put it simply, he has stage 4 brain cancer.
It was a follow up scan appointment for a neck issue, they found cancer cells in his brain.
Having dealt with cancer myself, we can talk about this freely between the two of us.
He said "it could be worse, it could be snowing in North Carolina"!
He is in my thoughts often. Being half a world apart doesn't seem to be a big deal.
Keep in touch with those you know. It's just a silly phone call, even a video call.
They can make a difference in someones life.
His wife, of not enough years, had him write something out, and sign it with his personal glyph.
She was out getting that tattooed inside her arm while Paul and I were on a video call.
I sure like the man!

As far as I remember, a well respected member of the forum. He wrote some comments on some of my early threads, and suddenly disappeared from forum. Very sad to hear this about him. Agreed with all above, keeping my fingers crossed.

Thank you for this and please send my regards to him and his family, N4521U .
He's very realistic about all this, and as he put it to me,
"Nobody leaves the room alive"!
Simply that................
I'm 78, already 18 years older than my maternal grandfather who was 60 and looking forward to retirement.
My mother only had ten years on me as of now, she was 17 when I was born.
My father was 24 and passed about 20 years ago, so only had 4 years on me as of now.
We all have a "use by" date. It's not dying I personally am afraid of, it's Not living.
My wife is 23 years younger then my old self. I would like to hang around a bit longer.
She makes great slices and I enjoy making things for her, like her bitchin sewing table!!!
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