I'm back

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Aug 21, 2006
Sorry guys for the last few years of absence. A few of you know but not many that a over a year ago my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This is a disease she will live with for the rest of her life with no cure as of now. She can no long drive or work. To get my life back in order I took a leave of absense from the board till we could get our family life back in order enough for me to come back. Things have changed but my passion for aircraft have not. While I have been gone I still continued researching in what little free time I had and built my deam work station. (by the way its in our master bedroom and yes there is a queen size bed in this room as well) Below is the fruits of my labor. Now all I need is a new research subject :)

Jan/Terry whats the new subject :)

All the best Paul

My man cave.JPG
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Glad your back and I do hope all is well with your wife. You were missed around here. Hope things are going well.:thumbleft:

Thanks Aaron, its along time coming. Things are stable with my wife for now so we hope it continues. If that happens then I get to be around here more :)

PS that is some the books I have on my work station. The shelf is made out of 6x12's to hold the weight :O)
You still have a LONG way to go before you catch Vikingberserker.:lol: I not sure but I think he now owns Amazon.com.

Maybe, those are just my primary books I have two other book case :) plus another 69 gig in pdf format :) That does not include declassified documents in pdf format and aircraft manuals I have. Total I have around 1 terra of info on various hard drives on nothing but WWII.
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Welcome back, Paul. Your station is looking good! My books have gotten scattered amongst bookshelves these days, but Think I could easily fill a couple of 6' book shelves.

Thanks Eric, yeah its getting there. Not quite what I want yet. I still need to get a switch and finish building a server that I have down stairs. Eric, any recommendatons as I assume you have one for all your pictures.
WELCOME BACK PAUL!!!! Glad to hear the Mrs is stable and I hope she is feeling as well as she can.

Most of the pdf's I have are from you so you've smoked me in that area!

Please give the Mrs our regards and best wishes.

WELCOME BACK PAUL!!!! Glad to hear the Mrs is stable and I hope she is feeling as well as she can.

Most of the pdf's I have are from you so you've smoked me in that area!

Please give the Mrs our regards and best wishes.


Thanks David, its good to be back. It's always fun to have some one to compare books with on whats good or not :)
Great to have you back Paul, and good to know that things are at least stable with your wife. I know exactly what it's like to have to live with a progressive, debilitating disease, and it's not always easy.
That work stations looks the biz, so about time you had another project to research, and here it is!
I've been trying to find good, clear, detail pics of the 'Autocar' re-fuelling truck, used by the USAAF during WW2, for a future project. I have a small number of reasonable pics, showing the tractor unit, and side shots of the tanker, with some vague detail shots of the rear of the tanker and the valve controls etc, but the latter are mainly a slightly later version.
Anything you can find would be more than welcome, but don't 'go out of your way' as it were, as there's no rush, and it's mainly the general detail I need.
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A warm welcome back from me too. I hope things continue to be stabilized with respect to your wife. I'm assuming that this announcement will bring you back into the fold proper, as opposed to just dropping in on the Mods subforum. Best to you both.
Paaaauuuuullllll! Bl**dy good to see you *punch on the shoulder* again!
A new subject? Hmmmm.....see what we can think of.. ;)
How about this to get you warm in the clothes, USS Yorktown CV-5 and the Grumman J2F Duck? :lol:

Please forward my deepest, warmest, sincerest, wishes etc., to the good lady...
Thanks guys, Jan will probably start with the duck as its one of my favorite and I do have pictures of the real thing around here some where on two different ones that have shown up in the past airshows. Yorktown should not be to much troube. My son is currently researching the USS Enterprise of the Yorktown class :)

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