Italeri 1/72 scale JU-52 Minesweeper from Minensuch-Gruppe; France 1943

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looking good..but you will hate me for what i am about the say,,the props should be darg green ( black green like the fuselage )
but still..nice job.. that is much to smalls cale fr me to handle :)

what a handsome looking crate this is turning out to be ! excellent work so far.

by the way you may get a funny out of this but the Minenabzeichen you are using from JC's site is actually in my possession..............and yes it is a very handsome badge.

keep at it I need to put some text down here for you that applies to the search and destroy mechanism of the Ju 52 example.

E ~
just a couple of pics of the Ju 52..the popellers are dark green and they should have white tips on the BACK side

hope you like :)

keep up the good work. looking forward to see it done :)


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WOW, what an unexpected outburst of posts. Thanks guys It means a lot to me.

There is nothing I can find in my JU52 book that states or shows what you are telling me about the props. That said there is also nothing that states anything to the contrary. Plus you have the photos to prove it. :rolleyes: As you can see by the pictures the props are already in place but I'm going to see what I can do to make the corrections. Do you know off hand what color green the props are or does it match the body? The main color on my bird is Dark European Green with RLM 71 on the splinter camo.
the colour is the same that match the fuselage on your model ( dark green )
the props on the Ju 52 is painted just as the originals as they were restored just as they were when salvaged

here is a picture of the center prop during restoration ( the original green is clearly visible ) and also the white line that is only on the centre prop ( on the backside ) the outer props has the white tips and not the centreline..but hey..this is not much visible on any models anyway ( that white line ) just thought i would show you,,this is before and after restoration
but glad you like the input and the modell is looking good :)


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and as you say..this is a topic not mentioned to many places ( the details of the propellers ) BUT if you repaint them green you will see that it turns out to be a much different aircraft than with black.. for some reason it suddenly look more correct :) details are indeed what makes it all get the "look" :)

happy modelling :)

and to a previous post here..i guess you are mention thsi very Ju 52 i just posted pics of..and this Ju 52 is 100% original with no altering..just as it was in 1940 when it got stuck in ice and sank..salvaged in 1983..and restored since..looooong process :)

and Jan..its stuck on the nose of the Ju 52 now.. hehe..and there it will stay :)
Thank you for the information. I might have to pull this off the shelf and make the changes now. Was the white band on both blades of the center prop or just one? Are the tips painted white on both of the out side blades or just one blade on each?
Great info Mr.G! Ever thought of making glass fibre castings of some of the props in your collection, and offering them for sale? Could be a big market out there, and a possible source of extra funding for the Museum.
according to the book on MSG 1 "Mausi" fotos none of the Ju 's had rear white propellar tips
that i have never thought of.. maybe a good idea :)

and the centre propeller has the white white tips..and the left and right propellers has the white tips ( no stripes )
the placment of the stripe on the centre props ( yes..on both ) is not to disturb the view in flight ( that is why it has the low placment. but its still vicible from the pilotseat when in flight seen thru the engine cowling ) this is not to commen knowledge..i have been learned this by a former Ju 52 pilot who visited our museum and told me all how it worked with those white markings as i was wondering a bit about them. he was thrilled to see such details back on the plane he flew )
and its a nice detail on a nice modell so i hope you pull it off :)
according to the book on MSG 1 "Mausi" fotos none of the Ju 's had rear white propellar tips

well..our Ju 52 had rear white those who painted it back in 1939 probably hadent read that book..
as we have restored it as found when salvaged with the same markings..¨
i have seen lots of pics of these white tips ( and also soem without )

will try and see where i have better pics of it..have it somewhere.. but the ones salvaged in lake hartvigwtater that sank in 1940 had it :)


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another shoot of white tips.. i know i have more.. will search..sorry for the quality but the scanner is dead

and i have learned one thing with over 10 years of working with german aircrafts and restoration..books ( pre-war-war and after war )and even WW2 documnets very rarely fits with what one has in the hand and looking at in real life ( like the Ju 88 A5 we salvaged..the He 111..the Ju 52..the Ju 88 A1 ..the Ju 88 C0/C2..Fw 190 A3..Fw 190 F8..a few i have worked with )
so i have learned one thing..its as many varations as it was aircrafts and adopt..overcome and fight was the rule :)

and as werner von baumbach said..the rule was..screw the regulation and adapt with what we got.. so i dont trust books ( some i trust generally..but not that its the rule.. it was war and a LOT happened )

just like the fact that the skidmark on the Ju 88 wheel/tire ) should be red acording to all docs and what was the rule..but on our its they used what they had in hand :) and this is what makes it so fun.. one learnes something every day..and when starting to look for suddenly see them all over.. :)


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Junkers have you found one Ju from MSG 1 then ? I don't doubt your fotos nor your research it just does not show any Ju's from the rear on the three engines with rear white markings of MSG 1. Seriously we cannot presume all JU 52's had the white markings can we ?

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