ME 209 V5

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after applying some pounds of 2K-putty and a scratched filterscreen it looks no way a P40?

A sideview. Seems there is a lot of sanding waiting.

The last one for today. Supper is waiting.
Now it's time to test the fit of the cowlring. All is still very rudimentary but checking always pays.

back to refining the engine bonnet. The frontend of the cowling got its finally shape.

Second test fit. The radiators are made from railroad stuff (roofs of huts in 1:160 scale).

There is much guesswork in this build so I can only try to get as near as possible to the drawings and to the only pic I know. 65% of the aircraft were taken from the 109 G. In fact a G5 was used to construcct it. The wing was a strechted version of the 109G wing.
I don`t like fake operational models so I do it as the"SP-LJ" with wing-root-canons and the "Motorkanone" which fired through the Prop shaft, no cowl guns. This arangement is shown in a cutaway in "German Cockpits" from Monograms.
Look the cowlring is married to the fuselage!

I found a suitable prop too.

All went fine I thought and started engraving the panel lines.

But Goofy wasn't far!
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Hi Wurger,
hope the pic shows what I use.

At this point I recognized a serious error in the planview of the engine. The engine tapered too much towards the cowlring. Bad news indeed.

I cut off the cowling after drinking two beers and than split the engine from the front and inserted a shim.

All the engravings, part of the oilcooler, all was gone. two more beers and walking the dog to prevent this kit learning to fly.
The pic shows the fuselage after repairs.

Once more 2K-Putty saved the day.

shaved and polished it startet to look again.

back on the road.

Ups, lost two exhaust-stacks! Never found them again. There is always a dropped parts eater around!

one whole week lost through careless measurements!
After some deep sighs of relief. I started with the wings. I used the E-wing with tips from the Revell und widened wingroots.

From the scarce records I had I merged several drawings to get two sketches as a general guide.

The most elaborate task was turning the wheel well around. This resulted in modern patchwork.

Nothing is known about the inner wheel wells, but I didn't want to leave them empty. I remembered Shepard Paine and did a little fantasy construction.

There are the wings plus the wingtips (ex Revell) and slats.

Oh my wife calls the TV is starting my favorite crime series. So long!

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