Messerschmitt Makeover.

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That last expression of yours is bloody true too Terry. It's like buying a puppy. First they carefullly select the one they want, then spend the rest of their time house-training it and teaching it to do what they want...
The model is now in the final stages of completion. As it's an old 'hack', I've decided not to go overboard on adding extra fine detail, as this would be a bit tricky in some areas, due to the layers of paint! For this one, I think the 'restoration' and re-paint will suffice, although I am going to attempt to clean-up and use the Matchbox canopy from the 'new' kit. If it doesn't work out, then the Hasegawa canopy will be posed in the open position, as it just doesn't look quite right closed, due to the less than perfect match with the front and rear Matchbox sections.
The landing gear is now re-attached, aileron mass balances have been made and fitted, together with a pitot tube, and all that remains is to fit a shutter screen to the oil cooler bath, re-attach ther antenna mast, and make and fit the antenna wires., plus a little touching-up mhere and there.
PIC 1. A general view of the underside with the gear legs in place. It's finished in a relatively 'clean' state, as it's probable that Wk. Nr 1990 was a new aircraft.
PIC 2. The gear legs and wheels will have their doors fitted once totally set, and any paint blemishes re-touched as required.
PIC 3. The scratch-built pitot tube and one of the aileron mass balances, carved and shaped from a piece of sprue which had been roughly shaped by heating and pressing. Both have yet to be painted, and were made to replace the parts which went missing sometime within the last twenty five years!
With a bit of luck, and if the canopy alterations succeed, I should have the model finished over the weekend.
Thanks very much once again for your interest and kind comments.


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Thanks Evan! Yeah, read that, what a load of........!!
The 'restoration' is now complete! It's not perfect, but then the model is 25 years old, and has more paint on it than my front door, but it looks pretty tidy and bright now, and I'm reasonably happy with it. The main thing is, the exercise in using home-produced decals turned out better than I expected, and has provided some good pointers for the future.
After much deliberation, and some experiments with the canooy from the 'new' Matchbox kit, I decided to revert to the scratch-built canopy I made when the model was first built, fixed in the open position.
PIC 1. Shows the scratch-built canopy, made from plastic sheet, strip, stretched sprue and clear sheet, and consisting of 38 separate parts. I've just noticed that I've forgotten to fit a canopy restraining wire, so I'll do that soon, along with some touch- up and tidy - up here and there.
PICS 2 to 8 are general views of how the model now looks, as Werk Nummer 1990, 'Black13', flown by Oblt. Helmut Tiedmann, Staffelkapitan of 2/JG 3 in August, 1940.
Thank you all once again for your interest and kind comments, and now, I'll get on with a similar restoration on the Typhoon.


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