My B.17 project...

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Hi there,
This is a painting I'm about half way through. Its "Nine-O'Nine" of the 91st BG, on a mission. If anyone has some wartime photos so that I can check a few details, I'd appreciate it. Cheers,


Thanks guys. I was actually thinking 109s, lesof. I originally thought 110s, but the model is too late to have encountered them. 410s would also be good, on their single pass.


ah sorry friend but Bf 110G-2's ripped up the 15th AF and 8th AF into the summer of 1944. II./ZG 1 comes to mind as well as III./ZG 26 which never had Me 410A's or B's like the I. and II. gruppes until the transfer out of it's pilots to single seat Geschwaders.

a comment: I think your chin turret is a tad wee large

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