My Collection

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Master Sergeant
Jan 1, 2010
I started to collect metal models when I was a teen, around my 15 more or less. My first fighter was a Messerschmmit Bf-109 from Model Power (scale 1:100), which I still preserve, being one of my favourites. Since that moment, the aviation world became my biggest hobby, starting a collection that today increase day by day. In this thread I will show you not only the models I bought, but also the ones I made. I have also attached a list with all my planes. It´s in spanish, sorry about that. Enjoy it.


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It´s quite difficult to find models of fighter or bombers that served or are serving with the spanish "Ejercito del Aire". I have almost 300 models and only a couple of them wear the spanish colours. The reason? I have no idea; perhaps spanish market is not so important for builders or maybe its because we didnt take part in the WWII (Thanks to God). Anyway, these are my fauvorites, including the Hawkers.


  • McDonell Douglas F-4 Lockheed F-104 006.bmp
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  • Messerschmitt Bf-109G 0012.bmp
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Gecko, great collection!! I see a Fw 190 '13' that jan might like!

Suggestion: When posting pics, try to keep the size width to 800 to 1024 pixels as the pics are very large.
It looks like this thread is being very successful so, here we go!! More pics!!

Hawker Hurricane: 3 Hawkers ready to go

Fiat G.55: The best italian fighter of the WWII

North American T-6 Texan: The german Texans flew after the WWII

Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank): One of the most beautiful japanese fighters

Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (Oscar): The legenday Oscar ready to take off

Lavochkin La-7: Not my best model.... but better than nothing

Tomorrow more


  • North American T-6 Texan (Alemania) 003.bmp
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  • Fiat G.55 (Italia) 002.bmp
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  • Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (Oscar) 003.bmp
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  • Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank) 005.bmp
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A great collection, but please do resize the pics. They take time to load, and need to be scrolled across the screen.
Thanks for your recent posting for great pics and a story about CASA. I used "eitl pohsotohp eboda" on the pics.


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A new Kate has increased the family!!

Here posing for the camera with two relatives;

The silver Kate is a B5N1 and the two others are B5N2.


  • Nakajima B5N Kate 0010.bmp
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  • Nakajima B5N Kate 0011.bmp
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- Heinkel He-111
- Dornier Do-17
- Junkers Ju-88
- Junkers Ju-188

Great Britain

- Avro Manchester
- Handley Page Hampden
- Vickers Wellington
- Armstrong-Whitworth Whitley


- Potez Po-540
- Liore-et-Olivier LEO 451
- Bloch MB-210
- Martin 167 Maryland


- Savoia Marchetti SM-79
- Fiat Br.20 Cicogna
- CANT Z 1007 Alcione


- Mitsubishi G4M Betty
- Mitsubishi G3M Nell
- Mitsubishi Ki-67 Hiryu/Peggy


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- Focke Wulf Fw-200 Condor
- Heinkel He-177 Greif
- Messerschmitt Me-264
- Junkers Ju-290

Great Britain

- Avro Lancaster
- Handley Page Halifax
- Short Stirling


- Piaggio 108


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