If you have any painters tape, that works good too. Use Elmers Glue for your clear parts. Avoid a paint scheme that makes judicious use of feathering.
This will help hide the fact that you don't have an airbrush.
Hi Les,
I think everything is OK..Have you mixed these colour,you have?For me the painting looks graet.Although a quality if the paint layers is not visible ( it is needed to be close up) and not finished yet I tell you ,well done.
Hey Les.... you havn't lost your touch, you old devil. Looks good....
Where's the cartridge ejection covers for the wings ? Where's the
canopy ? Minor details.......
Couple more pics of progress.... I have now finished the underside with the correct RLM color since these pics were taken.... I ll take some new pics tomorrow..
Les, For bullet holes, I first decide if they're coming or going, what kinda round caused it and are they singular or in a row, so to speak.
I take a sharp pointed exacto knife tip and make a light drilling action with it until the point penetrates the plastic. I can then heat up the knife blade and use it to mold the plastic outward or however is best. And most holes are irregular so I try to keep that in mind without over doing it. But I practice on some scrap plastic or crap Tamiya model until it looks good.