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Hey Gary....they scale the wall by dragging the loose stuff off to prevent it from falling as they dig deeper down in the pit. The 4000 was originally a shovel but was converted to a hoe to suit our pit configuration. We are getting a Komatsu 5500 shovel in January for the Phase 5 pit though I've heard a rumor that it will also be converted.
Some pictures from when I used to work for a living...logging and log sorting(booming) on the west coast of British Columbia,Canada. Not sure how these will line up as they are all odd sizes and I apologize for the quality of some camera from the 70s.

Hmmmm...It appears they didn't all upload in the right order and orbiting the Earth is photo #15.
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Oh to be young and in the prime of my life again. Good pics. I have a buddy whose dad lost a leg working as a choker. Dangerous business that is.
Three videos I made during my last six days at work, five of which were in near white-out conditions. Never snowed once, just blowing snow. The first one was when I was acting as a blast guard. #2 is widening the roads out with me "duck", and the last one is me trying to find Phase 3 pit.

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Just some more stuff from the mine during the last month or so.
wind sculpture

white out

Two new 830's broken. The one behind the pillars was involved in a collision when the truck ahead of it lost traction on a hill and slid backwards and 412 lost an engine(less than 1500 hrs)

My "Duck" getting repaired. The little orange blinky light above the 830 number board was dead and you can't operate without one=1 hour coffee break.

Driving home through the Pine Pass.

The last two show one of our 4000 hoes and our brand new 5500 shovel.

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