Looking good 8) although I can't help thinking it's a little unbalanced looking if it were real supposed to fly; I think thats why it was rejected, they didn't pack the rear fuz perhaps with an additional self sealing fuel tank and extra armour plate along with the a stronger tailwheel system and its attatchment areas to centralise CoG or expand the wings outwards even if by 6 inches each.. the persons who mocked it could've perhaps done more to make it more viable, unless it was more of a technical test/training for the fitters and maintenance erks
If you wish to highlight the wright logo slightly, and have some citadel/GW paints, with a very fine brush, gentle mood and hand; a drop of bad moon yellow with guesstimated fifth of that drop/amount of burnished gold (this gold can have a tiny greenish hue if over applied too thickly or thinly over a 'strong' colour) carefully painted into the wright(-field) yellow could greaten the visual contrast.
Also if you almost drybrush it bit by bit, you'd likely be less to get it on the 'model' and the final paint thickness on the decal would be very thin.