Planes that look the part:thugs,brutes,killers.

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I agree on the Messerschmitt Bf 109, especially G-6 model. With that "bumps" over MG 131s and spiral painted on the spinner it sure looks threatning and deadly.


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For the post-WWII planes, F-4 Phantom and Su-27 family look they really mean business.
And for WWII, just any radial-engined I guess... Plus the Me-262 :p
To me, the most sinister looking fighter is the Messerschmitt 109. I think it is mostly the grey and dark colors it is often painted. Much like DerAdler's signature.

I agree, especially from the front. The 109 looks like a killer. It is one of the reasons why she is my favorite aircraft.
For a WW2 plane that looked the part it has to be the B17. The Flying Fortress was the perfect name for it.

For post WW2 The F4 always reminded me of what it was about. It was big, fast, powerful and armed to the teeth. One look at it and you knew it.
What about the F-86 Sabre... Personally it has such a slick sounding name for such a slick looking aircraft (of course we're not talking about the F-86D) The F-86 goes with the great looking, but way dangerous.

During WW2, I remember that a picture of the P40 with the shark's mouth seemed the epitome of aggression. In person, the ME109 I saw at the Cavanagh Museum seemed very sleek, sinister and purposeful.
To be honest I've never thought of the 109 as aggressive, to me it looks a bit plain. It, the Hurricane as Mustang have always seemed a bit square and simple, neither beautiful or aggressive. The FW190, Typhoon and P47 on the other hand look like real killers; big, brash and aggressive. I'd also nominate the N1k George, J2M Jack and MC205 Veltro, all aircraft that look as if they are about to dish out some serious pain.
The FW-190D and the Do 335 both looked like they meant business. Not to mention the sleek, predatory shark-like form of the Me 262...

As for post-war AC, I've always thought that the F-105 was a mean looking machine. As are the MiG-25 and the SAAB Viggen.

Always been mine too... although the 109F-4 is mine!

I prefer the G-6. She is not as clean, but she just looks more mean, especially from the front. I find it quite interesting how someone can design a plane that looks so beautiful and so damn menacing at the same time.

The Fw 190 was quite small.

Most single engined fighters of WW2 were quite small. Just some examples here. Most fighters were in the 29 to 35 foot range in length and wingspan. Of course there were larger fighters as well though.

Bf 109G
Wing span: 32 ft. 6½ in. (9.92m)
Length: 29 ft. 7 in. (9.02m)
Height: 11 ft. 2 in. (3.40m)

Fw 190A
Wing span: 34 ft. 5½ in. (10.5m)
Length: 29 ft. 6 in. (9.0m)
Height: 13ft. (3.96m)

Fw 190D
Wing span: 34 ft. 5½ in. (10.50m)
Length: 33 ft. 5¼ in. (10.2m)
Height: 11 ft. 0¼ in. (3.35m)

P-51D Mustang
Wing Span: 37 ft. 0½in (11.29m)
Length: 32 ft. 2½in (9.81m)
Height: 13 ft. 8 in. (4.1m)

F4F Wildcat
Wing Span: 11.6m (38 ft.)
Length: 28 ft. 9 in.
Height: 3.6m (11 ft. 11 in.)

F6F Hellcat
Wing Span: 13.05m (42 ft. 10 in.)
Length: 10.2m (33 ft. 7 in.)
Height: 3.99m (13 ft. 1 in.)

Hawker Hurricane
Wing span: 40 ft. (12.19m)
Length: 31 ft. 6in.
Height: 13 ft. 1 in. (4m)

Supermarine Spitfire (varients varied considerably)
Wing span: 36 ft. 10 in. (11.23m)
Length: 29 ft. 11 in. (9.12m)
Height: 11 ft. 5 in. (3.48m)

A6M Zero
Wing span: 39 ft 4½ in. (12m)
Length: 29 ft 9 in (9.06m)
Height: 9 ft 7 in (2.92m)
For Brute and ugly, have to go with the A-10.You will not mistake that plane for any other in the world. I like to call it Big Ugly sometimes! It is one of my favorites. Nothing fancy about it, it is not that fastest plane in the sky, just a purpose built ground killer! I think the thing I like about it the most is it's toughness, simplicity, and it effectiveness while being a 30+ year design.
I have to go with the German rides, the 109, 190 and the 262 all three look serious and menacing to me.

List AC you think look as fearsome as their roles imply,
Here's a few to start, Bristol Beufighter; ugly plane, ugly name.
Hs 129; it's built by a company that makes tanks, for cryin out loud.
A 10 Warthog;nuff said.

could someone do a ID check on that first B-17
Has anybody mentioned the P-61 yet? To me, that beast just screams "I wanna kill sumtin!" Added to it the menacing matte-black paintjob and the uber-cool nickname "Black Widow", and watch out!!!
P-61 Is a good point RA. I am biased though, I think it does have a killer look to it. No one would want to see it coming at them straight on with all that firepower coming at you!
I agree about the P-61, but I also think that almost anything painted black with alot of firepower sure looks like its incredibly dangerous

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